EP8 - Season 1 (Cold Shield)

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[A] Chirithy: Are you feeling okay? That training looked intense.

Asukazen, maintaining his demeanor, replied.

Asukazen: I'm fine. It's just part of getting stronger.

[A] Chirithy: You don't have to push yourself so hard all the time. It's okay to take breaks and ask for help when you need it.

Asukazen: I don't need help. I can handle things on my own.

[A] Chirithy: I know you like to be independent, but sometimes it's good to rely on others too. I'm here to support you, you know?

As they were having this conversation, Asukazen felt a presence approaching from behind. He turned around to see a young girl, older than his current age perhaps, with long black hair and brown eyes. It was clear from her attire that she was also a Keyblade Wielder and a member of the Unicornis Union.

Skuld: Hey, I saw you training here. You're new, right? I'm Skuld.

Beside Skuld stood her own Chirithy, who nodded in greeting to Asukazen's Chirithy.

[S] Chirithy: Hello.

[A] Chirithy: (trying to be friendly) I'm Chirithy, nice to meet you.

[S] Chirithy: (unenthusiastically) Yeah, whatever. I'm Chirithy. Let's get this over with.

The Chirithies indeed greeted each others, but there was a noticeable difference in their interactions. While [A] Chirithy attempted to be friendly and greet [S] Chirithy as a friendly manner, [S] Chirithy remained distant and only regarded [A] Chirithy as another Chirithy, emphasizing the vast number of Dream Eaters.

Skuld smiled apologetically at the exchange between the two Chirithies.

Skuld: Sorry about that. my Chirithy can be a bit bold sometimes.

Asukazen sensed the tension, but chose not to delve into it. Instead, he focused on Skuld.

Skuld: (looking at Asukazen) I've been looking for a partner for a mission tomorrow, and I sensed your presence. You have potential, and I think we could make a good team.

Asukazen hesitated for a moment, unsure about partnering up with someone else. He was used to handling things on his own and didn't know how he felt about teaming up with someone he just met.

Asukazen: (reservedly) I... I usually train alone.

Skuld: I understand, but sometimes, having a partner can be beneficial. We can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

[A] Chirithy: (encouragingly) It might be a good idea to work together, Asukazen.

[S] Chirithy: (sarcastically) Oh, joy. Teamwork. Just great.

[A] Chirithy: (to [S] Chirithy) Come on, we can be friends too! It'll be fun.

[S] Chirithy: (disinterested) I doubt it.

[A] Chirithy: But maybe we could join forces!

[S] Chirithy: (indifferent) Not interested. My loyalty lies with Skuld, and that's it.

Skuld smiled again, seemingly used to [S] Chirithy's grumpy demeanor.

Skuld: Well, think about it. We'll be meeting at sunrise tomorrow for the mission. Let me know if you change your mind.

[A] Chirithy: Huh, he is certainly... different. Seems like a real grump. I wonder why he so indifferent and uninterested in forming a bound. Well, I guess not all Chirithies are meant to get along.

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