EP7 - Season 2 (Welcome to Hell)

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Vergil stood amidst the dismembered remains of Beowulf, his expression impassive as he reached out and pulled the demon's soul towards him. The swirling, ethereal essence of the defeated demon materialized into a deadly weapon that formed around Vergil's arms and legs, encasing him in demonic steel armor that granted him enhanced strength and close-range combat capabilities.

In any other circumstance, Dante might have found the transformation impressive, even awe-inspiring. However, for Vergil, it was merely a means to an end, a tool to be utilized in his pursuit of power. He remained unfazed, his focus solely on his mission and unlocking the secrets that would grant him the strength he craved.

As the demonic steel integrated with his body, Vergil tested his newfound abilities, striking the air with swift and precise movements. Despite the enhanced power and versatility the transformation offered, Vergil's preference still lay with the Yamato, the legendary katana that held deeper meaning and significance to him, a connection to his past that he valued above all else.

He then stood in the center of the room, the two pendants clasped in his hand. These precious mementos, given to him and Dante by their mother in a distant time, held sentimental value. However, Vergil had no intention of cherishing these tokens of family love. For him, they were mere tools to achieve his ultimate goal, opening a portal to the demon world.

With a resolute expression, Vergil watched as the pendants floated down, sinking into the glowing white symbol on the floor. Without hesitation, he drew the Yamato and sliced a small cut in his hand, allowing his blood to flow into the white glow.

As the blood mingled with the magic of the pendants and the symbol, a faint energy began to emanate from the floor. Vergil could feel the power building, this was just the beginning. The countdown had started, and Vergil's heart beat in sync with the rising anticipation. Opening a portal to hell was not a mere act of destruction, it was a means to attain the power he sought, to transcend his own limitations, and to fulfill his ambitions.

With his hand still bleeding, Vergil clenched the Yamato tighter. He was ready to embrace the darkness and unleash its full potential. The tower and its secrets were now his domain, and he would see his plans through to the end, no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, Dante, Asukazen, Skuld, and Blizzard continued their exploration of the tower, encountering various peculiar creatures that seemed to be remnants of the tower's past inhabitants. Skuld and Blizzard were fascinated by the tower's history and tried to decipher its purpose, while Dante maintained his usual laid-back demeanor, occasionally making sarcastic remarks about the tower's design.

 Asukazen observed everything silently, keeping an eye on his companions and their surroundings. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this tower than they could comprehend, but he decided to stay focused on their mission, leaving his deeper thoughts for later reflection.

Eventually, after several hours of exploration, they reached a massive steel door that seemed to be a significant barrier within the tower. The door was adorned with demonic symbols, giving off an imposing and eerie vibe.

Blizzard: What do you think lies beyond this door? It seems way too huge for human use. Maybe it's meant to keep something out?

Skuld sighed, her thoughts drifting to Lady's situation.

Skuld: I hope she finds some peace. It can't be easy for her, despite her tough exterior.

Blizzard: It's never easy losing someone, even if they weren't the best person.

Dante: You know how it is. When you're planning to unleash hell on Earth, you tend to need some heavy-duty doors to keep things in check. And as for Lady, she's tough. She'll be fine. We've all seen our share of messed-up stuff.

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