EP7 - Season 1 (First Trauma)

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Asukazen continued walking through the vast districts of the town, his expression remained the same as always.

[A] Chirithy: Um, Asukazen, are you sure you know where you're going? The Unicornis Union's district is in the opposite direction.

Asukazen: I can feel it... that blue cloaked guy with the unicorn mask. I've sensed his presence before, back when Blizzard and I were in that Crystalbound state, He was there, alongside the other leaders.

[A] Chirithy tilted his large rounded head, still not understanding.

[A] Chirithy: Crystalbound? I don't understand what you mean. But if you sense something, then maybe we should follow your instincts.

Asukazen hesitated for a moment, deciding not to delve into the details of his past experience.

Asukazen: It's a feeling I get. (he said vaguely) I know he's somewhere around here, and I'm going to find him.

[A] Chirithy nodded, though still unsure about Asukazen's intuition.

[A] Chirithy: Alright, lead the way then. (he said, deciding to trust his Asukazen's instincts)

They continued walking through the bustling town, passing by numerous districts and keyblade wielders from different Unions. Asukazen's eyes remained focused, his senses honed in on the presence he sought.

2 Hours Later.

After a few hours of walking, [A] Chirithy began to wonder if Asukazen truly knew where he was going. He continued walking, guided by an intuition he couldn't fully explain. He had no concrete information about the location of the Unicornis Union's headquarters, but he felt a strange connection, an inexplicable pull towards this particular direction.

As they walked through the vast districts of the town, The Chirithy could feel a change in Asukazen's emotions. There was something different about him today, this intrigued the Dream Eater.

[A] Chirithy: Are you sure you don't want to ask for directions or a map? You might get lost in this huge town.

Asukazen: I know the way.

As they walked, the town's bustling streets began to thin out, and a sense of quiet and solitude enveloped them.

After some time of walking, [A] Chirithy noticed a slight change in Asukazen's expression. There was a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty, as if he wasn't entirely sure what he would find.

[A] Chirithy: Are you okay? We've been walking for a while now.

Asukazen (still focused): He's close, I can feel it.

Suddenly, they turned a corner, and there, standing before them in front of the headquarter of Unicornis Union, was a figure in a blue cloak wearing a unicorn mask. Asukazen's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the aura he had sensed before.

 Asukazen's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the aura he had sensed before

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