EP13 - Season 1 (Tournament of Deception - Part 2)

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As the two Dream Eaters talked to each other in the distance, Blizzard noticed Asukazen sitting on an empty bench, his face downcast. Out of urgency, Blizzard moved from his spot and sat next to Asukazen.

Blizzard seemed lost in thought, likely pondering the same letter he had received from the Master of Masters. They were both thinking about the potential disaster.

In a serious tone, Blizzard spoke up, carefully choosing his words.

Blizzard: Did you... receive 'That' too? (he asked, his voice filled with apprehension.)

Asukazen, however, did not respond, nor did he glance at Blizzard.

Blizzard: You know... the same letter, the same warning about the future. (he clarified, his tone growing more insistent.) It's a lot to take in.

Asukazen's eyes met Blizzard's upon hearing the reference, and there was a mixture of fear and uncertainty in his gaze. He then returned his gaze to his own feet, remaining silent.

Blizzard: Why aren't you talking? (he pressed, his voice tinged with frustration.)

Asukazen still remained silent, his eyes narrowed in fatigue.

Blizzard: Talk to me, Asukazen! (he urged, his voice rising with each word.) Why are you avoiding my gaze? This is important! The-

Asukazen: (interrupting Blizzard) I don't care about these lives. (he stated coldly) But I won't let another event break me like the past. All I want is to prevent anything that could hurt me further. (he continued, his tone growing more resolute.) Still, we don't have enough information about what's coming, but all we can do now is go as far as possible in this tournament. Whatever it takes to avoid that kind of future.

Blizzard glanced back at Asukazen, noticing a slight change in his demeanor. Asukazen seemed more alive, but still distant.

Blizzard: (nodding) You're right. We need to do everything we can to prevent... that. But we have to be careful. We can't risk saying anything that... might trigger our bodies to react.

Asukazen and Blizzard watched the artificial screens, showcasing the results of the elimination rounds. They observed as the numbers dwindled, revealing that only 125 Keyblade wielders had made it to the first round of the tournament.

Blizzard: (content) Well, that wasn't so bad. (he remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.) I feel like I'm getting the hang of this new body, like I'm regaining my strength from our previous reality.

Asukazen: (nonchalant) Good for you. (he replied, his tone flat and uninterested.)

Blizzard: (curious) Hey, you know you can use your Keyblades, right? (he asked, his voice filled with a mix of concern and encouragement.) You're a powerful Keyblade wielder. It could make things easier for you.

Asukazen continued to watch the screens, seemingly unaffected by Blizzard's words.

Blizzard: (understanding) Look, I get it. It's been hard for both of us, Asukazen. But we did what we had to do to stop Xalvador and William.

Asukazen: Don't talk to me. (he snapped, his voice filled with a mix of anger and pain.) We have no reason to continue this alliance.

Blizzard: But- (he started to protest, his eyes widening in surprise.)

Asukazen: (interrupting him again) We caused the genocide of an entire reality, Blizzard. (he reminded, his voice filled with a mix of guilt and despair.) All those lives, billions... gone.

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