EP3 - Season 1 (Just a Shell)

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Blizzard decided to leave Asukazen alone for the time being. There was nothing he could say or do, pushing the issue would only cause more confusion and anger. He remained silent and still, silently watching, hoping that somehow, they would find an explanation to understand their situation. Their reality was erased, yet they were in a tangible space. How could this be? The paradox of their existence gnawed at his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers.

On the tenth day, Asukazen and Blizzard continued to struggle with their weakened bodies. They regained a bit more control over their new forms, and Asukazen attempted to stand up from his bed. However, his legs gave out, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor. He felt the frustration building up inside him as he realized just how fragile he had become.

Asukazen: I hate this...

Blizzard also tried to move around on his own, but he was met with similar difficulties. The lack of their former power and agility was disheartening. They were back to being children, vulnerable and unable to do the incredible feats they once performed in their previous lives.

Asukazen pushed himself up from the floor, using the nearby furniture for support, and slowly made his way to stand again. It was a slow and agonizing process as he slowly returned to his bed, his body trembling with the effort as his muscles screaming in protest.

The irony of their powerful past selves lingered in the back of their minds. The memories of their victories against the Organization and Dorval seemed like more a dream, a distant memory that they could no longer grasp.

Stripped of their powers, now weaker than an infant with an energy level of zero, they could not do anything, neither could not think of anything, it was a harsh reality to face, but it was one they could not escape.

Both were at a crossroads. Asukazen seemed more separated from his former identity, while Blizzard was left grappling with the loss of his purpose, then, they heard footsteps approaching the door they were forbidden from opening. Both of them tensed, unsure of who it could be. The door creaked open, and to their surprise, it was Ava who entered the room, her presence filling the space with a sense of unease.

Her expression was hard to say behind her fox mask. Asukazen and Blizzard exchanged glances, uncertain of how to react to her presence, their bodies tensing as they waited for her to speak.

Foreteller Ava: I see you two are finally starting to gain some control over your bodies. That's good progress. (her voice was calm and measured, but there was an undercurrent of something else, something that neither Asukazen nor Blizzard could quite place)

Asukazen frowned. It seemed that she was sent here to check on them by someone, but he couldn't help but feel wary of her.

Blizzard kept silent, not wanting to say anything that might be interpreted as hostility. They were in no position to resist or cause trouble, their bodies too weak and frail to put up any kind of fight.

Foreteller Ava: I won't harm you. My task is to watch over you both and make sure you're recovering well. Know that the Master saved you for a reason. He sees something in you both and he wants you to have a chance at a new life.

Asukazen: Can I... ask...? (he said, his voice hoarse and weak, his words barely audible)

Blizzard watched in surprise as Asukazen spoke with a touch of reluctant respect in his words. He had been so cold and distant these last few day

Foreteller Ava: Of course, you can ask me anything you want. I'll do my best to answer.

Asukazen: What... happened... to us?

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