EP12 - Season 1 (Tournament of Deception - Part 1)

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Child Wielder 15: (tapping Asukazen on the shoulder) Hey, Emerald's Eyes, are you okay? (the child asked, concern evident in their voice.) You look like you've seen a ghost.

Asukazen blinked, snapping back to reality. He realized that he had been lost in his own dark imaginings, the vivid scenario playing out in his mind feeling all too real. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself and push the unsettling thoughts aside.

Asukazen: I'm fine. (he replied, his voice strained but steady.) Just lost in thought for a moment.

As Asukazen pondered the implications of a potential traitor among the Foretellers, he realized that he couldn't make any judgments without more information. The consequences of such a revelation could be far-reaching, affecting the fate of the worlds in ways he couldn't even begin to comprehend.

Meanwhile, Foreteller Ira continued to address the gathered crowd of five hundred children in the main hall, his voice commanding their undivided attention.

In the middle of Daybreak Town.

Within the very heart of Daybreak Town, a grand clock tower that loomed over the Unions, the very core of their existence. Inside, on a higher floor, an enigmatic figure known as the Master of Masters lounged in a laboratory filled with peculiar artifacts and ancient tomes. He was casually engrossed in a book, playfully flipping through its pages to pass the time.

As he read, the Master heard footsteps approaching but remained nonchalant, not bothering to look up from his book. The figure that entered the room was another black-hooded individual, wearing a cloak similar to the Master, but smaller in size. It was his apprentice.

MoM: Ah, Number 7. (the Master of Masters greeted casually, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.) Welcome, welcome.

Luxu's confusion was evident in his demeanor, caught off guard by the unexpected title.

Luxu?: Huh? (he uttered, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the Master's words.) Number 7? What do you mean, Master?

The Master of Masters grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement behind his hood.

MoM: Come now, Luxu. Surely you can figure it out. (he teased, his tone playful and enigmatic.) It's quite simple, really.

Luxu's mind raced as he attempted to decipher the riddle, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Luxu?: You six plus me... that makes seven? (he ventured, still grappling with the significance of the title.)

MoM: Bingo! (he exclaimed, clapping his hands together.) You, my dear cosplayer, are now my indispensable Number 7. (he declared with a flourish, his voice filled with theatrics.)

Luxu's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Luxu?: Me? Number 7? (he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.) But... why, Master? What does this mean?

MoM: Wait, don't tell me you think I don't count! (he added with a hearty chuckle, clearly enjoying the humor of the situation.)

Luxu stumbled over his words, his voice nervous and apologetic.

Luxu?: No, no, that's not what I meant at all, Master! (he stammered, his hands waving in front of him.) I would never offend you. I'm just... confused by all of this.

The Master of Masters closed the book he was reading with a dramatic snap, rising from his chair with a mischievous grin. He could see the confusion swirling in Luxu's eyes and couldn't resist adding to the mystery.

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