EP9 - Season 1 (The Slothful)

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Asukazen left his house, his steps heavy and slow as he began his search for Skuld. The town and its various districts were vast, and he knew it would take him a long time to find her. But he was in no hurry, time seemed irrelevant to him now.

As he walked through the bustling streets, his mind kept drifting back to the encounter with the mysterious figure and the haunting nightmares he had faced during the night. The weight of it all bore down on him heavily, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his days were numbered.

Despite this impending sense of doom, he remained resolute in his decision to face this threat alone. He had pushed away the Dream Eater and anyone else who might care about him, believing that he was protecting them from harm. But deep down, there was still a part of him that longed for companionship, for someone to understand and share the burden he carried.

His journey to find Skuld was slow and arduous, and with each step, he felt a little more detached from the world around him. His heart was heavy, and his mind was filled with the echoes of regret. But he had made his choice, and there was no turning back now.

As he approached the headquarter of the Unicornis Union, he saw Skuld standing there, accompanied by her Chirithy, [S] Chirithy. He felt a mix of emotions welling up inside him as he knew he had to face this situation without revealing too much.

Skuld turned to him with a warm smile.

Skuld: Hey, Asukazen, I'm glad you decided to join me on this mission.

Asukazen nodded quietly, his expression still somber.

Asukazen: Yeah, I thought it might be a good idea.

Skuld: Chirithy isn't with you? (Skuld asked, noticing the absence of Asukazen's Dream Eater.)

Asukazen looked away, unable to meet her gaze.

Asukazen: No, I... decided to send it away for a while. (he replied in a monotone voice.)

[S] Chirithy looked at Asukazen with a disinterested gaze, not bothering to exchange pleasantries.

Skuld continued.

Skuld: We need to go to a different world, a forest, to collect Lux and defeat Heartless. It might be dangerous, but with your skills, I know we can handle it.

Asukazen gave a half-hearted nod.

Asukazen: Yeah, I guess we'll see.

[S] Chirithy: I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't think you can slack off.

Asukazen: I won't. I know the importance of our mission.

Skuld then summoned her Keyblade and pointed it towards the sky. Her Keyblade emitted a brilliant beam of light that illuminated the surroundings. Asukazen watched the display, feeling a mixture of awe and trepidation.

Skuld: Stay close, Asukazen. We need to work together to complete the mission.

Asukazen nodded, trying to push aside his fears and focus on the task at hand. He followed Skuld's lead as they ventured deeper into the forest, searching for Lux and facing off against Heartless.

[S] Chirithy: Keep your guard up! Heartless can be unpredictable.

Asukazen remained silent, his mind still clouded with thoughts of the looming threat he felt earlier. He tried to focus on the Heartless they encountered, using his magic to aid Skuld in their battles.

As the forest grew darker and the Heartless attacks intensified, Skuld and Asukazen found themselves surrounded by a group of powerful Heartless. They stood back-to-back, ready to face the onslaught.

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