EP3 - Season 2 (Seeds of Doubts)

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As the battle against Cerberus raged on, the three-headed beast proved to be a formidable adversary. One of its heads, freed from the thick ice that had encased it, unleashed a torrent of flames upon Dante, Blizzard, and Skuld. The trio dodged and weaved, their movements synchronized in a deadly dance to avoid the searing heat.

Meanwhile, Asukazen stood back, grasping his left arm with his right hand, squeezing it tightly as he continued to charge the lightning ball that crackled and pulsed with energy. With each passing moment, the size of the sphere grew, the strain on his magic reserves becoming more intense. A burning pain shot through his left arm, growing more agonizing as he remained focused on his task.

Dante, noticing Asukazen's stance, called out to him, his voice barely audible over the roar of the flames.

Dante: Hey, kid! What are you waiting for? Now's the time to strike! (he shouted, firing his pistols at Cerberus in rapid succession, the bullets ricocheting off the demon's thick hide)

He didn't respond, his face contorted in a grimace of pain. It was clear that whatever spell he was attempting to cast would take time to fully charge and stabilize. They could only speculate as to what he had planned, but it was evident that this was far more dangerous than anything he had attempted during the tournament, where he had carefully restrained himself to avoid lethal damage to his opponents.

Skuld's quick and agile movements allowed her to dodge the demon's snapping jaws with ease, her blade striking at its vulnerable points while Blizzard delivered powerful counterattacks with 'Glacial Edge,' sending shards of ice hurtling towards the beast.

Asukazen's green aura pulsed with the gathering energy, the static electricity filling the air around him. He could feel the power building up, ready to be unleashed. The others anticipated his move, ready to leap out of the way at a moment's notice, but still, he did not attack.

Was the spell not ready? The knowledge that unleashing it too early might not be as effective as they hoped, or could lead to severe secondary effects due to the instability, kept Asukazen rooted to the spot.

He watched the fight from a distance, his eyes focused on their stances. It was clear that they were indirectly covering him as he could not move from his position. The timing was crucial, and the pain in his left arm was excruciating, causing him to let out a cry of agony. Yet, he remained resolute in his plan, knowing that this was the only way to assert something so idiotic that no one else would dare attempt.

As the minutes ticked by, The combined efforts of Dante, Blizzard, and Skuld taking their toll. The demon's massive form swayed, its legs buckling under the onslaught of attacks. Blizzard's 'Glacial Edge' had frozen one of its legs solid, while Skuld's precise strikes had left deep gashes in its hide. Dante's bullets, imbued with demonic energy, had torn through the beast's flesh, leaving it weakened and staggered.

Blizzard: What are you doing? It's our chance! Do it now!

Asukazen: Not... yet.

But they could sense that Asukazen was attempting something in the distance. Pushing his artificial body to its limits, trying to achieve an Overheat that no child should be capable of.

Blizzard: ...!

Skuld: This isn't how spells work! You can't keep charging forever! You're going to harm yourself if you continue any longer!

But Asukazen didn't respond, his focus entirely on the task at hand. The burns on his left arm were becoming more severe with each passing second, eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the skin blistered and peeling away to reveal the artificial flesh beneath.

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