Ch. 22 Purple Dinosaur

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Chapter 22

"What was that?" Mila gasped as the car jolted.

"I think you ran over a curve," Seth cringed, feeling sorry for the beautiful car. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"It's my car," Mila said. "No one touches Ken."


"My license plate is KEN3010," Mila smiled. "So I call him Ken."

"I see," Seth turned back to the road. "You should slow down. There's a curve ahead."

The night enveloped Mila in its darkness, and the cool breeze brushed against her skin, almost mocking her for the impulsive decision to run to Archer. The lack of any stormy signs on the horizon added to her feeling of foolishness. Her fingers clutched the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white, as she strained to peer through the dimness at the road ahead.

"I can't see a thing," Mila whispered to herself, her frustration evident as she instinctively began pumping the brakes to slow down her speed.

"You defiantly need more practice with your turns," Seth observed.

"I know," Mila sighed. "I don't really drive a lot in New York."

"You should ask Archer," Seth said. "He's a really good driver."

Mila snorted, "Yeah, okay."

"You don't believe me?" Seth laughed. "Archer won so many racing trophies."

"When I met him, he was driving fifteen miles an hour on the highway to Del Mare."

"No way," Seth laughed. "You're fuckin' with me."

"Nope," Mila laughed. "I had to drive around him."

"That's weird."

"Can we not talk about that asshole anymore?" Mila scowled. "He gets on my nerve."

"Sure," Seth shrugged. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Um...." Mila tried to come up with something as they drove out of town and began to head up the hills toward the houses. In the darkness, she noticed a dirt path that veered off from the main road towards the right. "What's that path?"

"That?" Seth pointed. "That goes to the beach."

"Wanna go to the beach?" Mila gasped.

"Right now?" Seth looked at his watch. "It's like eleven P.M."

"Right," Mila frowned. "You probably have to go back to the party. Sorry, you got stuck babysitting me."

"Honestly, I don't care," Seth said. "I was getting kinda bored there anyways."

"Seriously?" Mila arched her brow. "It looked super fun. That pool with the bubbles looked amazing."

"No one's allowed to go in it."

"That sucks."

"I know right," Seth laughed. "Plus, no one there really has anything interesting to say. All the girls just scroll on their phones and the guys talk about cars or the gym. There's no real conversation."

"Ah, so you're a man of culture," Mila laughed. "You have a brain."

"I think I do," Seth chuckled.

"Okay," Mila nodded. "So ask me something."

"Okay," Seth rubbed his palms over his legs and chuckled. "Okay, I got one. You're stuck on an island with three people. Who are they and why?"

"Oh that's easy!" Mila clicked her tongue. "Jennifer Lawrance because she's amazing. Shah Rukh Khan because I just love to look at him and probably Gordon Ramsay because he would make really good food."

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