Ch.33 Like A Movie

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Chapter 33

Mila's gaze remained fixed on the pills in her trembling hand. Each tiny tablet seemed to hold an immense weight, a weight that mirrored the heaviness in her heart. Her thoughts raced like a runaway train, hurtling through scenarios and outcomes, each more daunting than the last.

A storm swirled within her, the urgency to confide in Archer battled with the fear of his potential reaction. Mila had always known that honesty was the bedrock of any good relationship, but this truth felt like a barrier, a secret that threatened to reshape everything between them.

Her fingers, slick with a thin layer of sweat, clung to the pills. Mila's mind was a battleground of doubt and uncertainty, her pulse a constant drumbeat of nervous energy. She knew she couldn't keep this hidden, the weight of it would crush her.

With a deep breath, Mila swallowed the pills. The glass of water she drank hardly eased the dryness. The room felt suffocating, the air thick with unspoken words. Mila closed the pill bottles with a snap, tucking them away as if trying to contain the truth.

Archer deserved to know.

But as her heart raced and her stomach churned, Mila couldn't shake the unease that tightened its grip around her.

She knew she had to tell him, to reveal this truth that weighed on her like an anchor. Yet, the prospect of seeing the worry in Archer's eyes, the fear that might flicker across his features made her hesitate.

What if it was all too much for him? What if he decided he couldn't handle the responsibilities? What if he didn't want to spend his life with someone like Mila?

Mila's trembling breath steadied as she wiped the stubborn tears from her eyes, her fingers brushing away the last traces of vulnerability. She regarded herself in the mirror, forcing a delicate smile to replace any signs of distress.

The cool water splashed against her face, a soothing touch that helped clear the fog of her emotions. Mila took a moment to compose herself before leaving her room.

In the living room, Mila met Drew's gaze, offering a fragile smile. The two exchanged a wordless acknowledgment before returning to their own daily lives. Mila hesitated at the door, wondering if she should invite Drew out to lunch. Their conversation from two nights ago had cleared up a lot of tension. But the awkwardness still lingered. Maybe jumping in head first wasn't the best approach, Mila thought. She hadn't hung out with Drew in years. So much had changed since they were teens.

"There you are."

Mila turned to look over her shoulder, wondering who had spoken.

"Are you ready?" Gia Silvano's bright smile greeted her as the beautiful girl shifted her purse. "The beach is waiting."

Mila blinked in surprise, her mind struggling to catch up with the sudden turn of events. Gia's presence was unexpected, and the mention of beach plans left Mila utterly baffled. Her gaze darted between Gia's radiant smile and Giovanni's watchful stance in the doorway. Confusion knitted her brows, and she struggled to make sense of the situation.

"Beach?" Mila repeated, her voice laced with uncertainty. "Wait, I don't..."

Gia's laughter danced through the air, "I texted you last night, remember?"

Mila's mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of the conversation. Texts? Beach plans?

Her gaze flickered between Gia and Giovanni, her brows furrowing as she struggled to regain her composure. Gia's imploring eyes seemed to urge Mila to play along, while Giovanni's authoritative presence held an unspoken command.

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