Chapter 11

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Elliam arrived at the company at noon. After eating his lunch he immediately took a shower and waited for Jack to drive him.

He looked up at the building. The number of times he set foot on this building can't be counted, but the times where he felt pleasant and comfortable was very few. This place was owned by his husband, but he felt like a stranger every time.

With Milo on his embrace, Elliam looks around for Rissa. People give him strange looks and Elliam lowered his head to avoid their gazes. How he wanted to get out of the place and just wait for Rissa outside of the building. But it's so sunny and hot outside that he doesn't have any other choice but to stay at the reception area and stand straight.

It didn't take long before Elliam saw a glimpse of Rissa from the crowd. He heaved a relief sigh and smiled sweetly at the woman.

Rissa sees Elliam smiling and can't help but giggle by how adorable he is. " Let's go, your husband is waiting impatiently at his office." Rissa said. She volunteered to take the bag from Elliam's shoulder which contains snacks and some things for the puppy.

Elliam refused and said, "No, I can manage. It's not that heavy either." Milo barks as if agreeing to Elliam and rubs its nose to Elliam's palm.

Elliam giggled at Milo and introduced him to Rissa. He proudly said that Dominic let him adopt a pup after all these years. Both of them hopped inside the empty elevator and pressed the floor to Dominic's office.

"I am glad. He was so against you saying you wanted a pet." Rissa smiled at Milo.

"Right, he gripped his hair from frustration when he heard me wanting a pet." Elliam laughed while reminiscing about the scene where Dominic, who could never yell at his wife, gripped his perfectly styled hair because of frustration.

"That was indeed a sight. That was the very first time I witnessed him lose his cool." Rissa laughed along with Elliam.

Both of them were laughing when the elevator stopped and opened up. Someone gets inside with a stack of papers in hand.

"Oh Rhian, Where are you headed?" Rissa asked the woman. Rhian Hartford was taken aback when she saw the president's secretary on the same elevator, but she immediately smiled at Rissa.

"Ms. Watson, I'm heading to Mr. Martinez's office. I'll hand him the revised report he asked a while ago." Rhian sweetly said. Her eyes moved to Elliam who was standing silently on the corner. "And who is this?" a hint of arrogance can be heard from Rhian when she asked about Elliam.

"This is Elliam. I'm telling you right now to---" Rissa who was not done talking, was cut off when Rhian interrupted.

"Hi Elliam, Is that Mr. Martinez's dog? That was such a cute dog, are you his caretaker?" Rhain said which made Rissa panic. Elliam flinched from what he heard, he lowered his head and looked at his white converse shoes. His mind blank. Did she just mistaken him for a caretaker?

"Ms. Hartford!" Rissa loudly called. She has a frown on her beautiful face. Anyone can tell she's pissed on what she just heard.

"W-hat?" She confusedly answered. She looks back and forth to Rissa and Elliam.

"I-its okay, Rissa. It's something we can't avoid." Elliam silently defended himself and Rhian. "Ms. Hartford here doesn't know so that's expected." Elliam smiled at Rissa.

"But, Elliam." Rissa looked at Elliam in the eyes and sighed. "I still can't believe someone called you a dog's caretaker." She said as she lightly rubbed her temple.

Elliam chuckled, but the sadness can't be hidden. "But I am Milo's caretaker so she's not actually wrong." Elliam said while rubbing the puppy's head.

Rhian stood silently, watching the two exchange a few words before hearing the elevator. They arrived at Dominic's floor.

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