Chapter 14

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"What's in that box?" Dominic asked his wife when his gaze fell on the box.

"How would I know, that box was on your name." Elliam replied. The four of them were still in the elevator waiting to bring them all up to the top floor to Dominic's office.

Hearing the two converse, Rissa intervened and said. "That was a package from your mother, Sir."

Dominic grit his teeth. What is she planning now? Dominic's mother is a manipulative woman. She may look like an angel from outside but, only the people in their family knows how evil she can be. She'll do anything to make thing she wanted them. All this time, she's sending him useless items related to marriage and magazines of women.

Which indicates that she expects Dominic to get married soon and give her a grandchild. When Dominic's still in college, his mother would set him up to different girls. All of them came from influencial family. Dominic at that time was already courting Elliam and everytime his mother sends him a pictures of those women that his mother likes for him, he would immediately reject them. If it wasn't for his love for the little guy, he might consider coming to give her mother some face. But all he wanted was Elliam and no one else.

"Put that box away. I don't want anything related to her near me. Understand." Dominic seriously said. Elliam gripped his hold on his husband's hand to calm him down.

"Yes sir." Rissa nodded.

"Maybe we should check what's inside first? What if it's very important." Elliam worriedly said.

"Don't worry, hon. I already knew what's inside that box, and I'm telling you it's very useless." Dominic said, displeased by what his mother just did.

"oh, okay." Elliam had nothing else to reply and stayed silent. He never met Dominic's mother and only seen some of her photos online. But he never actually know what kind of woman she is.

"I'm surprised until now your mother still doesn't know you're hiding some big news." August said in the corner. He had his arms crossed over his chest while leaning his back on the elevator's wall.

"Whether she knew or not, do you really think she can do anything about my life? She can ask grandchildren to my siblings, I'd appreciate it if she leaves me alone. I'm too old for her schemes."
Dominic said flatly.

"Well Indeed, she can't do anything anymore since you're already married."

The four of them didn't made any noise and stayed silent until they reach Dominic's office. Dominic was the one who opened the huge double door of his office and let his wife get inside first before him and his friend. Rissa was asked to prepare coffee for the president and August Lockwood, and a glass of orange juice with some snacks for Elliam Martinez. After that she dismissed herself as she still had some errands to attend.

That leaves the three of them, inside the  spacious and luxurious office fitted for people someone like Dominic Martinez. Elliam made his way towards Dominic's swivel chair and sat down with Milo on his lap. While Dominic and August, both of them proceed on the meeting room to talk about business.

"Hon, this time I want you to stay in here. We'll go home after I'm done talking with August." Dominic sternly said. He's very aware how stubborn Elliam is despite his looks.

Elliam hearing his husband only smiled sweetly at him. Dominic sighed but didn't pry anymore and gave Elliam one last look of warning before guiding August out of the office.

Elliam chuckled, Dominic never fails to amuse him. People might think Dominic's the one who has more control over their relationship, but anyone who witness how they talk to each other might think otherwise.

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