Chapter 30

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A little while ago.

"Did you make this?" Rhian asked Elliam, referring to the smoothie.

"Umm, yeah. Is it not to your liking? If you want, I can make another glass just for you." Elliam suggested to the woman. But Rhian only frowned.

"No, this is alright." She simply said.

Elliam gave her a small smile before going back to his stroll around the pool. Exercises like walking are good for your health, that's what the book he reads from Dr. Anne says.

"Hey...", Rhian called. Elliam turned his head towards the woman and waited for her next words.

"... Can you swim?" She continued. Elliam was hesitant to say no. He felt an underlying meaning from that question. But thinking that Dominic was with him, Elliam made a gallant effort to reply, "No, I'm still learning."

Rhian smiled, an obviously fake smile. "I'll teach you." She said which made Elliam nervous.

Elliam hurriedly said no. He can feel the woman's tainted intention. She's going to harm him. Now that he's carrying their baby inside him, Elliam was doing his best to stay safe and healthy.

"It's fine, and I'm not in a hurry to learn how to swim. Dom can teach me whenever he has free time." Elliam gave her an awkward smile.

Elliam jolted when Rhian walked towards him.  She only stopped on her feet when they were facing each other face to face. Both of them were the same height. One with a frightened look, while the other has a smirk plastered on her face.

Elliam thought that she looked scary with that expression.

"It's not good to rely on Dominic that much. Since he's working and I have free time, I'll do the honor to teach you how to survive drowning." She whispered to Elliam.

Elliam got a little annoyed by how the woman was calling his husband's name casually. He tried to get away from her but he didn't expect the next thing she did.

"Ahghhh!!" Elliam's shrieled voice was heard all over the place. He felt pain on his left shoulder where Rhian was gripping tightly. Her long and sharp nails were piercing deep on his skin. The glass of smoothie slipped on his hand and shattered on the ground.

Elliam tried to make her let go by pushing her away. The pain was too much for him. He's always been scared of needles, and this woman's nails were worse than a needle.

"Let go of me!" Elliam desperately said through his gritted teeth, tears flowing on his pale cheeks.

Rhian did let him go. Elliam gasped as he felt his shoulder getting numb from the pain, he's not surprised to see thick blood flowing out of his fresh wounds. Elliam tried to stand up straight, but he stopped on his track when Rhian rashly pushed him to the water.

Elliam didn't waste time, if he's going to drown then he's going to bring her with him. Elliam grasped Rhian's stretched arms.

Both of them fell on the water. It was the worst scenario for Elliam. Although Rhian wasn't a good swimmer, she can still survive an eight feet deep water of the pool. On the other hand, Elliam was getting deeper and deeper on the water. He can't even flap his arms because it was hurting.

'Am I going to die? Dominic?' Elliam thought as he felt his consciousness was slowly fading. Elliam only felt arms on his waist, it was big and hard arms that he was familiar with. It was his husband.


Elliam was still coughing even when they got to their room. Dominic immediately went to change his wet clothes with dry ones. He went to call the Dr. Lewis to check on Elliam. His wounds won't stop bleeding.

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