Chapter 26

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It was already dark when Dominic came home. Yes, home. He considers the beach house his home since Elliam was there. Wherever Elliam is will be his home.


"Yes, your mom's here." Dominic said to Milo who's on his arm. After leaving the site, he immediately went to the airport for Milo and the caregiver.

"Before going to your mom, you need to go wash yourself." He added as if Milo could understand what he was saying. But the mutt barked in response. Dominic asked Rissa to show the caregiver his room. Rissa complied and went to get the puppy from his Boss's arm and went to an empty bedroom with the caregiver tailing from behind.

Dominic then went upstairs. What Elliam texted him earlier bothered him the whole day. It was rare for Elliam to text him like that and he's really worried. After climbing up the stairs, he walked slowly towards their room and went inside quietly. The door wasn't lock, but the lights are off. Dominic looked around looking for his wife. When he saw him laying down on their bed, Dominic sighed.

Dominic didn't bother turning on the light and walked towards the bed. At first he thought that Elliam was already sleeping. But after getting closer, he noticed him silently looking outside the window. Dominic went to sit besides Elliam. He gently put his hand on his wife's back to wake him up from daydreaming.

Elliam was startled after feeling a touch on his body. But after seeing who it was, he immediately relaxed. "You're back." Elliam stated while sitting down. Elliam tried to smile but Dominic was quick to notice the sadness on his face.

"Hm. What's wrong?" Dominic asked. He knows that something's bothering Elliam. He was fine before he left for work. Now Dominic was eager to know what happened while he was away to make Elliam this sad.

"I went to the pool this morning but I couldn't enjoy it much since I can't swim." Elliam pouted while trying to make it sound like it was the real reason why he was feeling down.

"Do you want me to teach you again tomorrow?" Dominic asked. If Elliam didn't want to tell him the truth, he can only find out the reason himself.

"You have work."

"I can take a day off whenever I want. I'm the boss after all."

Elliam smiled and went to lean his head on Dominic's shoulder. "Then please teach me again." He said quietly.

Dominic said alright and let him rest on his shoulder for awhile. The two of them were enjoying their time together in silence when they were disturbed by a knock on the door. Dominic stood up to open the door because he knows it was the mutt who's done with his bath.

The caregiver carefully gave Milo to Dominic and bid goodbye. After closing the door, Dominic went back to the bed to where his wife was waiting with his arms stretched, ready to hug the mutt. Dominic scowled. See? That dog would always snatch his wife's attention away and ignore him.

"Oh my baby Milo, I miss you." Elliam said with a tiny voice. He's also giving his puppy kisses on the face. Dominic scowled more. Why is he kissing that mutt instead of me? He thought childishly.

But Dominic thought this is a perfect time to go out and see the reason for Elliam's  behavior. "I'll go get some water, stay in here." Dominic said while giving his wife a kiss on the head.

Elliam nodded, not bothering to look up to Dominic and continue playing with his baby Milo. Before going out, Dominic looked sharply at the mutt one last time before closing the door. That mutt was pissing him off.

Once outside the room. Dominic called Rissa to go to his office inside the beach house.

"You called for me, Sir." Rissa stood before Dominic.

"What happened while I was at work? He was in good mood this morning, how come he looked like he was bullied when I came home." Dominic said in a deep and angry voice. He's not shouting, but the sharpness of his voice could make anyone fall on their knees.

Rissa was used to this Dominic and replied without stuttering. "Four of our employees were getting along with Sir Elliam this morning. He exchanged a few words with them. But they found out about your relationship with him."

"They didn't do anything on Elliam?" Dominic asked.

"Nothing, Sir."

So the reason why he's feeling down was because, someone found out about them?...That's it? Are you that afraid of getting exposed as my spouse, Ellie? Dominic didn't know what to do anymore. If being exposed to only four people could make him feel like shit, then Dominic couldn't imagine the effect it would create if more people know.

Dominic sighed. To make Elliam more comfortable in this house until he gives birth. Maybe the only solution was to make everyone knows about who he really is.

"Rissa." He called to the woman in front of him.

"Yes Sir."

"Get everyone in the living room. We'll have a meeting."


"Why are we all being called?"

"Did anyone said something wrong to the president?"

"I was already getting ready for bed."

"Are we getting fired?"

"No way!"

Everyone was confused as they stood in the middle of the living room. They received an email saying they need to be in the living room in ten minutes for a meeting.

"Are you sure about this, Mr. Martinez?"
Rissa worriedly asked. They're still in Dominic's office.

"Do not question my decision, Rissa. I know what I'm doing."

Rissa knows that once his boss made up his mind, nothing could change it. But Elliam's safety and mental health would be in danger if everyone in this house knows about him being the president's wife. He's hoping Dominic really knows what he's doing and considers the consequences of his imprompt decisions.

"You stay outside our room. Make sure Elliam won't go out while I'm talking to everyone." Dominic said while he walked towards the door.

"... Yes, Sir."

The living room remains noisy as everyone keep on talking about why they were called in the middle of the night. But once Dominic Martinez emerge from the door, everyone went silent. They held their breathes as they watch their boss walk.

Dominic went in front of everyone. He doesn't plan to keep it long. He just needs to make everyone know.

"I know you have questions as why all of you are here. I have a brief announcement to make, and I want everyone to keep silent and listen." Dominic said while looking around.

"What I'm about to say is a secret I've been keeping for almost ten years. I know some of you doesn't care, or might think it's irrelevant after hearing what I'm about to tell you. But, I want you all to keep it to yourselves. This should remain to all of us in here."

Everyone silently stood on their feet. They can see their president was dead serious. Now they want to hear what was the secret he's about to reveal.

"That man who was with us, the man who's living with us under this roof, the man that I told you all to ignore. His name is Elliam, and he's my husband."

There, Dominic said it. The heaviness on his chest lift up. He can breathe.


Here's an unedited short chapter for you.

Hope you enjoyed!!

Feb. 3, 2024 at
10:30 pm

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