Chapter 15

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"I'm getting nervous." Elliam said to Dominic. They were inside their car and on their way to the airport.

"Relax. They didn't know about us so you'll be fine." Dominic replied to his anxious wife.

"There are twenty of them in total, right?" Elliam asked which Dominic answered with a nod. "...But twenty is still plenty." Elliam continued.

"As long as you don't do anything to get their attention. You'll be fine, trust me." Dominic said as he put his hand on Elliam's knee and rubs it affectionately.

Before the day of their departure, Dominic already notified his team that a very important person would be coming with him. He didn't say anything else besides telling them to ignore that person as much as they can. The team was a little lost, they didn't know who the person was, but they have no other choice but to follow the president. Besides, voicing their curiosity will lead them trouble. So it's better to shut up and follow.

"We're here." Dominic announced.

Jack parked the car. After getting out, Dominic helped Elliam get out of the car since his wife said he's knees were wiggling from nervousness.

Dominic chuckled. "Do you want me to lift you up?"

"Of course no! Are you an idiot?" Elliam replied with a scowl. He tried to compose himself by counting one to ten while his eyes were closed. Once he's done counting and opened his closed eyes, Elliam was welcomed by a handsome man. The corner of his lips were raised, a full set of white teeth on display.

"Why are you so cute? You still count whenever your heart beats loud." Dominic said with a smile.

Elliam calmed a little bit because of Dominic. He stretched out his arms and hooked them around his husband's neck and gave him a light kiss on his lips.

Elliam's actions stunned Dominic. It was rare for the little guy to initiate a kiss, specially in public. Although it's only a peck on the lips, a kiss is still a kiss.

Dominic smiled. "Are you ready?".

"Y-yeah" Elliam murmured.

Jack helped the couple carry their luggage inside the airport. Dominic only brought one luggage but Elliam has two. Both Jack and Dom looked at the two big luggage of Elliam and wondered what he put on both of them to make it this heavy.

"Wahh, I'm tumbling with fear and excitement." Elliam whispered.

"You mean trembling." Dominic side commented with a smirk after hearing his wife's shrilled voice. 

"It's the same thing." Elliam rolled his eyes and walked ahead of the two.

Dominic sighed when Elliam walked faster. That little guy had the nerve to leave his husband behind just because he doesn't have a single piece of luggage on his hand, only his small backpack on his back.

Dominic was in deep thought, Elliam was really moody lately. He'll get nervous to being excited really quickly.

Elliam isn't new to this airline since he and his husband traveled a lot secretly, but Dominic never brought him to the beach so Elliam was excited for this trip and all smiles while walking.

The twenty people who gathered are all anxiously waiting for the president. Their flight is in an hour and Mr. Martinez's still not with them. Although no one can blame the president if they ever miss their trip, they're still hoping for him to show up on time.

HIS SECRET WIFE (BL) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon