Chapter 31

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Rhian was slumped on the floor. Her appearance was quite unsightly because of her dried and unkept hair, her clothes wrinkled, and her messed up make up on her face.

However, her current look didn't stop her from smiling sweetly and trying to act cute in front of the emotionless Dominic. He was watching her with cold and apathetic eyes. Dominic puts both of his hands inside the pockets of his sweatpants.

" Do you have an idea what I do to those who make me angry?" Dominic started by asking this question.

Rhian tried to stand up, but because her legs went numb, she stayed kneeling on the floor. She shook her head obediently as an answer to Dominic's question.

"Then do you want me to show you?" Dominic isn't used to hurting people, because once he starts beating them he couldn't control his body and show them no mercy. Usually, he lets his men deal with this. But not this time, he'll make her wish she never messed with Elliam.

"Y-yes, I-I want t-to see, p-please show m-me?" Rhian clearly already lost her sanity. She crawled in front of Dominic and tried to grab his knees, but Dominic unhesitantly kicked her without mercy. Rhian gasped at the sudden pain in her stomach. She yelped when her hair was being gripped so tight that she felt her hair falling out of her scalp.

"You want me to show you?" Dominic's voice was deep and sharp, no sympathy could be heard.

This time, Rhian got scared. This wasn't the Dominic that she loves. This man has a murderer's eyes, a gaze that doesn't belong to a normal human.

"W-ho a-are you?" She asked nervously. She felt his hand on her neck. A hand that fits perfectly on her neck.

Dominic chuckled, "Who? Let's say, the one who will make you suffer twice of what you did to my wife. You see, I'm not very friendly to those who disrespect my little sprout. Did you call him ugly earlier? Have you seen his face clearly?" Dominic  said while tightening his hand on the thin and exquisitely beautiful and pale neck of the woman.

Rhian started to panic, her airway was slowly getting blocked. "I-im so-so-sorry, Sir-r Ma-marti-tinez." Rhian hardly begged for mercy.

Dominic didn't listen to her and tightened the grip that almost snapped her neck into two. Seeing the woman almost losing her consciousness, he let go. He won't make it easy for her, he will make sure that she'll suffer.

Rhian was gasping for air desperately. She started to crawl away from Dominic but because  she's weak, she couldn't get away that far.

Dominic isn't done yet, with veins showing on his temples and neck after remembering the ugly color of the wound of Elliam's shoulder. He went to stamped on Rhian's face to the ground.

Cracking could be heard from the room. Blood scattered on the carpeted floor. Dominic didn't stop, his face was still distorted with rage.

Rhian wanted to cry out of pain, but her neck hurts so much and her voice box seems damaged from that choking.

Rhian was repeatedly saying sorry on her mind. She couldn't talk anymore.

This went until midnight. Rhian's face was ruined.

"Sir, I think this is enough. Sir Elliam might wake up by now and I'm sure he wants to see you first."  Rissa said on the corner. After hearing what happened from Owen, she went directly to the office and knocked on the door. Dominic opened the door for her, and Rissa almost puked at the sight of Rhian on the floor. This is unusual because her boss typically lets his underlings deal with this kind of thing. But now, he dealt with this himself, which shows he's really furious.

The next day.

Everyone noticed someone was missing from the team. Rhian Hartford seems to have skipped her breakfast which was unusual because the woman won't ruin her diet.

"Everyone, listen up." Rissa said in a loud voice. Everyone shuts up and waits for the announcement. "Rhian Hartford will no longer join us with this project. Mr. Martinez kicked her out because of disobedience. From today onwards, we're going to finish the project with this team."

Everyone was surprised but didn't bother asking more questions.

On the other hand, Dominic was still holding the hand of the sleeping Elliam on the bed. His fever went down last night but he's still not waking up.

"That's normal, Dom. He lost blood yesterday so he's still recovering by sleeping. Just stay with him because he might wake up later. He'll find you first if he wakes up and you're not by his side." Dr. Lewis after seeing Dominic's worried face.

"By the way, I heard from your secretary that you kicked out the one who did this to Elliam. How did you deal with her?" Dr. Lewis asked curiously. 
He wanted to know more about the Dominic underneath the business world. The Dominic martinez that manages a gang secretly.

"I threw her out, let those dogs decide on whether she lives or die." Dominic silently said. He's tired, he didn't sleep last night because Elliam might wake up while he was asleep and he doesn't want that. He wanted to be the first person in front of Elliam when he opened his eyes.

"Then did she live?"



After a while, Dr. Lewis went out to get himself some breakfast and also told Dominic that he'll bring him food when he comes back.

Dominic looked at his hand, the very same hand that was drenched with blood. He never planned to talk about this gang to Elliam. He doesn't need to know. Ellie's more safe if he remains innocent about this dirty work.

While still holding Elliam's hand, Dominic fell asleep while sitting on the chair. He can actually go for a few days without sleep, but today, Dominic was very lethargic. Since he doesn't want to leave Elliam's side, Dominic could only close his eyes while sitting down.

Moments later, Dominic felt the fingers on his hand moving. He opened his eyes to see what it was, what welcomed him on the bed was his awake wife. Dominic weakly smile after seeing Elliam's state.

Dominic bent down to kiss his forehead, "Good Morning, baby." He whispered.

"Hey." The only thing Elliam could utter with a hoarse voice. He gave Dominic a soft smile to reassure him that he's okay. His husband was frowning again and even if he wanted to massage his forehead like usual, right now he can't even lift a hand.

Dominic offered a glass of warm water to help his throat. Elliam tried to sit down with difficulty but Dominic helps him. His body's very feeble that he needed Dominic's assistance when sitting down on the bed. His shoulder was also throbbing inside his clothes.

"How long was I asleep?" Elliam asked after drinking water.

"A day. How are you feeling?" Dominic sat in front of Elliam.

"My shoulder hurts." Elliam answered honestly. He pouted and waited for Dominic's comfort. When he saw his husband spread his arms towards him. Elliam slowly went inside the embrace and made himself comfortable. His husband's warm body is very comfortable, his kisses on his head were like a lullaby putting him to sleep.


Thanks for reading!!


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