Chapter 22

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Elliam was currently having his healthy breakfast peacefully, out on the balcony of their room. Dominic just left him for work and said that he won't be back until dinner. Although Dominic's a little reluctant to leave his pregnant wife, work is waiting and he needs to be with his employees to ensure they do their work properly. Elliam also told him that it's okay to leave him because he said that he's just pregnant, not crippled. But Dominic corrected him by saying, "Don't say 'just pregnant', you're literally carrying the future heir of my business empire."

"Oh Dom, our baby isn't even born yet and you're already pressuring him?" Elliam sulked. He was rubbing his flat stomach while glaring at his husband.

"I am not. He can be what he wants in the future." Dominic reassured Elliam. But if his child wanted to be a businessman like him, Dominic wouldn't hesitate to put his name under some of his business. When Dominic was done changing into his formal clothes, he went to Elliam's side and gave him another kiss on his forehead. "Alright, We'll continue this talk when I get back. You can do what you want for today, but I beg you to always be careful, Hon."

Seeing his husband's serious face, Elliam almost laughed. He knows Dominic is only concerned for his health and well being, and Elliam appreciates it.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." Elliam softly said and clung on his husband's neck.

"Then I'll get going... Love you."

"I love you too... Drive slowly okay? " He reminded Dominic.

"I will."

After he was done eating his breakfast, Elliam sat down quietly while looking at the vast ocean in front of him. The warm wind of summer on his skin makes him relax and at peace.

After a while, Elliam stood up to put his plate and glass in the kitchen downstairs. Since some of them left with Dominic this morning, only a few people were left downstairs and Elliam wasn't that afraid to go out this time. Elliam walked slowly while holding his plate. He didn't see anyone when he went down, but there are few who're still eating their breakfast on the dining table.

Some of them looked at Elliam after seeing him coming to the room. They were told to ignore him, but how can they ignore him when this guy was really attractive? They can't help but follow his every move every time they see him.

Elliam gave them an awkward smile and proceeded to put his plate on the sink. He grabbed another glass and poured himself cold water from the fridge. After that he almost ran towards   his and his husband's room to hide with a glass of water on his hand.

Everyone on the dining table couldn't help but smile at how adorable the pretty guy is. That was the president's friend. But they wonder how a cold and ruthless man like their president, and a beautiful and expressive person like that pretty guy, could be friends?

They thought that they're a perfect contrast to each other.

"You really think they're just friends?" one of them unbelievably looked at her friends.

"Come one, there's no way the president is gay?"

"What's it to you if he's gay? Even if he's not, he won't be interested in you."

"Hey! stop hurting my feelings." One of them dramatically grasped her chest.

"Stop it. Let's just go to the pool and enjoy our day off."

"Ohh let's gooo... "

The three women then stood from their seats and walked towards their rooms. But when they walked in front of the president's room. One of them silently leaned her right ear to the door.

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