605 Completely Unrelated

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The energy seemed sluggish, definitely not like what he was used to. Mei Chao Bing furrowed his brows as soon as he realized it but then didn't think more about it. There was a lot of energy right now and it basically had nowhere to go. You could only move one part by pushing another forward. How could it be fast? And anyway, cultivation had always been about patience.

He continued to try and push the energy forward and after it was finally in motion, things started to progress more smoothly. The speed was still much slower than usual at first but it picked up bit by bit. Unfortunately, the speed was all that changed. He didn't notice any changes to the energy itself or even to his own body. It still hurt to have all of this energy contained in his meridians. Most likely, it would only get easier after he completed a circle and some of it was integrated into his dantian.

Mei Chao Bing's brows that had slightly relaxed when the energy finally moved drew together once again. He didn't know what to make of this. It didn't seem to bring him any closer to solving the mystery of his constitution. In fact ... if this was all there was to it, then this constitution seemed pretty useless unless you had a high level. And if you did, what did you need the constitution for?

He was completely at a loss but he hardly had the time to care for that. This was his only attempt and if he continued to circulate the energy, it would be absorbed into his own body instead of being passed to Da Hei as intended. He needed to figure this out fast.

He pressed his eyes tightly shut, trying to think of everything they knew so far: He could take in different types of energy, even those that were harmful to other cultivators. He could distribute this energy to others and it seemed like they wouldn't suffer from any negative effects either as if he had neutralized them while converting the energy.

Yes, the only question left was how much energy could be worked with. Small amounts worked with no issues. Big amounts ... might still be tied to the rules of cultivation that applied to everyone else. It would make sense. Otherwise, wouldn't the Lin family have been heaven-defying? How could they have been destroyed so easily?

Mei Chao Bing stopped circulating the energy, simply containing the energy in his meridians despite how uncomfortable he felt. He needed to think first. When he figured out where he had gone wrong, he could continue.

If the Lin family's constitution wasn't out of this world, his Master wouldn't be so obsessed with finding their descendants. He would never go through all of this trouble. Was it truly only for the ability to take in different kinds of energy? Yes, could it be that he had found a special source that he wanted him to tap into?

In that case, even if he couldn't deal with it all at once, as long as he worked continuously, it would still have the same effect. Also, his Master had always urged him to work hard and gain more experience. While this had been his attitude toward all his disciples, there might be a special reason for it. Maybe this had indeed been so that he could take in more energy because the constitution was useless at a lower level.

Ah, no.

Mei Chao Bing suddenly straightened up. Why was he always thinking of this in terms of his Master's plan? Sure, that was their current situation but originally, this had simply been a constitution people organically developed. And in that context, it all made sense again.

When you started on the path of cultivation, the first levels didn't need much energy. So even if you could only take in a little energy, it was no problem at all. Later, when more energy was necessary to level up, you could also take in more energy without issue. So, in fact, the members of the Li family were always able to apply their constitution in the best possible way for their own benefit.

As for passing this energy onto somebody else ... who had they done this for? Thinking of himself, the first time this came up, he had wanted to help Yun Bei Fen level up. That was his lover and looking around the cultivation world, most people found a lover among their peers who would have a similar level as them.

So really, did the Lin family members ever need to take in a large amount of energy and pass it on to others? No matter how he thought about it, it didn't seem likely. And in fact, it made sense with the other information they found: When his Master asked his senior martial brothers to give it a try, they hadn't been able to support all that energy. Maybe it wasn't that their constitution was lacking. Maybe his Master was the one who had misunderstood and expected too much from the very beginning.

Yes, if looking at it from that perspective, everything seemed to make sense. The only question was why the Lin family had been extinguished then. It didn't seem to be related to their constitution if his guess was right. But then, maybe he shouldn't be surprised about that either.

In the cultivation world with people who lived hundreds or even thousands of years, grudges weren't that rare. So why couldn't there be a completely unrelated reason as to why the Lin family had found its demise? Their constitution might have never factored into this and it was only because the perpetrator covered their tracks well that others finally came to the conclusion that this had to be it.

When this thought finally came up, Mei Chao Bing let go of his heart which had been high-strung for so long. He reached out and finally transferred all the energy to Da Hei. Anyway, it didn't seem like he would be able to do anything with it.

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