24 Clouded Judgment

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Mei Chao Bing hung his head, feeling even worse. He was so close and yet, he couldn't do a thing. For the first time since the two of them had become a couple, he actually regretted it. If not for him, if not for the fact that he loved Yun Bei Fen so much, this wouldn't have happened. His Master wouldn't have targeted him specifically to force him. Yun Bei Fen would have never been in danger.

Of course, it couldn't be changed. And frankly, if not for his little bunny, he wasn't entirely sure how he would currently be doing either. He probably wouldn't have regained some recognition from the others in the sect, he wouldn't have started to repair the friendship with Song Mu, he wouldn't have felt like he had a home to return to. How could his life be as good as it was right now? No matter what, he wouldn't have wanted to miss out on a single moment they had experienced together. He just wished that Yun Bei Fen wouldn't have had to pay so dearly for it.

He rubbed his face and raised his head again, staring in the direction of the headquarters. To go or not to go? He didn't know yet what Xi Ju Hai and Liu Bao Ru had found out from his senior martial brother. He didn't know yet if the Zhen Yan Sect would send people to help. He didn't even know exactly what his Master's plan was.

At the same time, he had found out that Yun Bei Fen was missing and had followed him here. Since he could feel Yun Bei Fen's presence, his Master should be able to feel that he had followed them as well. Surely, his level was higher than his. Even Qu Yijun's had been, after all. Since that was the case, wouldn't it seem suspicious if he suddenly left? Or was he just telling himself this to justify going in there right now?

For once, Mei Chao Bing didn't trust in his own judgment. Well, it wasn't strange. With Yun Bei Fen's life or at least his well-being at stake, it sure was clouded. There was just no way he could stay calm.

He took a deep breath and finally stepped out of his hiding place. He looked over his shoulder to the place where the small town was somewhere far in the distance. Taking a hesitant step, he stopped again and turned back. Finally, he closed his eyes and sighed. Then, he rushed toward the headquarters again. Yes, this might be idiotic. Yes, it went against everything he had said earlier about making plans ahead of time. But ... he couldn't change that he didn't dare to turn back and leave.

In his mind, he saw Yun Bei Fen's face. Those limpid doe eyes that would stare at him curiously or blink in confusion when he didn't get what he was trying to teach him, the way his lips curved whenever he saw him, and how he would excitedly chatter next to him. He didn't want to imagine how Yun Bei Fen would look while locked up by the demonic faction, knowing that he was bait. He should be scared and hope for somebody to save him even though he knew that it might be better for the overall situation if that didn't happen. He'd be damned if he let that continue!

Mei Chao Bing soon got close enough to actually see the building in the distance. There were disciples all around, some guarding the gate and some patrolling the area. Sneaking in definitely wasn't an option. It made him wonder how Zhi Guan had managed to do it twice.

He ducked out of sight and continued to observe, trying to see if there was a weak point somewhere in the defense of this place. Just somewhere that wasn't guarded as closely or a place that was in the blind spot of the disciples. Unfortunately, no matter how he looked, he didn't see a way to get in.

Furrowing his brows, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe Yang Wu Huang going missing from the dungeons had alarmed the other side. In that case, they really shouldn't have saved him. He sighed but it couldn't be changed. Anyway, sneaking in wouldn't get him far either. Chances were that Yun Bei Fen wasn't locked up in the dungeon but instead close to his Master. After all, this was the person they wanted to use to control him. They wouldn't easily let him out of their sight. Since that was the case ...

Mei Chao Bing glanced up at the sky and then stepped out of his hiding place, walking up to the gate as if he was supposed to be there. The patrolling disciples stopped and looked at him oddly. He was still wearing the white sect robes of the Teng Yong Sect so he obviously wasn't part of the demonic faction. There were few sects among them who used white robes and all of them looked distinctly different from what he knew. So wearing this was basically announcing where he came from.

He was actually surprised that they hadn't jumped him yet but maybe they were so confused by how he was openly walking up to the gate that they figured there had to be an inside story like some spy returning to report on their progress. They were still watching him though so it couldn't be said that they had completely let down their guard. Well, he hadn't expected it either.

Mei Chao Bing finally stopped a few steps short of the gate and looked from the disciple on the left to the one on the right.

The two of them stared back and then exchanged a glance, both seeming puzzled. Finally, the one on the right furrowed his brows. "You are ...?"

Mei Chao Bing gave a hum, raised his hand, and then attacked. Anyway, being escorted inside as a prisoner would still get you inside and if he made enough of a ruckus, they might directly report this to his Master or somebody else in charge. It really was the easiest way to get to Yun Bei Fen.

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