653 A Difficult-to-Protect Sibling

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The three demonic disciples had no idea what to think or do. The originally well-thought-out plan ... seemed to come crashing down right in front of their eyes. Did they really want their senior martial brother Mu to get together with a woman like this?!

But no matter how worried they were now that Zhi Guan had told them a little more about his sister, they couldn't change that they had already invited her over here and that Mu Qing had spent some time with her. Anyway, if he was interested in someone like that ...

Song Yu Zheng sighed and patted Zhi Guan's shoulder. "It mustn't have been easy to grow up with a sister like that."

Zhi Guan hesitated and finally shook his head. "It's alright, the age gap isn't small." Yes, even when his Master took in Yan Hong Min, he had long since been an adult. He could definitely wrangle a bratty twelve-year-old. As for Luo Lin, he had already been older when he joined the sect so there was even less to worry about, not to mention that while trouble might follow him, he wasn't seeking it out by himself. And the last one, while he had been the youngest at the time of joining them, was also the most worry-free because other than spying on Mei Chao Bing, he hadn't had any hobbies and if you pushed him just the slightest bit, he would also seriously cultivate. It really couldn't be called much trouble to take care of them.

Song Yu Zheng and the other two nodded faintly, feeling a bit relieved. They hadn't thought of it because these two were biological siblings according to Zhi Guan's story but yes, age gaps weren't uncommon at all between people who cultivated. In fact, you couldn't judge anything based on the way somebody looked at all. A talented genius might seem incredibly young while actually being the oldest person in their sect and having lived for several hundred years. On the contrary, a person who seemed old might actually only be sixty or seventy years and had barely started on their path of cultivation all because they simply weren't talented enough.

Zhi Guan was clearly a talent which made it difficult to say how old he really was. Song Yu Zheng himself was in the nascent soul stage and he could perceive that it was roughly the same for Zhi Guan. How old that made him was difficult to say though.

As for his sister ... Song Yu Zheng actually hadn't paid attention to that at all. At the time, he only thought about her looks and personality because he figured that Mu Qing would care about that so if they wanted to set the two of them up with each other, she couldn't be lacking in either department.

Now, Song Yu Zheng could only sigh. It seemed that he had been too hasty. He should have given this matter some more time. Of course, it was important to tie Mu Qing tighter to the demonic faction and their Wu Yun Sect but ... it also shouldn't happen at any price. If he got together with the wrong person and that person stirred up trouble in their faction ... he felt like he'd have committed an even greater sin than if he hadn't gotten involved at all and watched Mu Qing continue to waver.

Thinking of such an outcome, Song Yu Zheng's brows furrowed. "Say, your sister ... if she is this troublesome, maybe we should keep a closer eye on her these few days."

Zhi Guan raised his brows in lieu of asking a question.

"I mean, if she tends to cause trouble, then especially now that the plan is about to commence, we should make sure that she doesn't do anything to jeopardize it. Just imagine if she did! Not even mentioning the negative effect that would have on our respective sects, what about your sister? The Elders would surely blame her!"

Zhi Guan nodded. Usually, Luo Lin had never been blamed when one of the male disciples of their sect or one of the others made trouble because everyone was more dissatisfied with the other disciple since Luo Lin's only 'fault' was looking too inviting. But when it came to Yan Hong Min when had his Master not blamed him for the pranks he pulled? If he managed to sabotage a big matter by doing so, the punishment also wouldn't be light.

Thinking of this, Zhi Guan pursed his lips behind the veil. Actually, now that he recalled all the times Yan Hong Min had caused issues in the Teng Yong Sect, he regretted not having taken him along. A troublesome sister was nothing if she was only made up and played by a serious character like Liu Bao Ru. But having a younger brother like Yan Hong Min would absolutely cause the ultimate chaos. Maybe he really would have been able to sabotage this plan.

Well, even though the idea was good, he couldn't change that Yan Hong Min was still in the Teng Yong Sect. Also, it was bad enough that his third junior martial brother and their little junior were here and in danger. He'd rather not add the one that was currently safe to the fray. No matter how difficult the upcoming battle was, he'd rather not implicate those three. If he could spare them from whatever fate awaited them, he'd still gladly do it even if it meant more work and more risk for himself.

For now, Zhi Guan could only sigh though. "Don't worry. I'll check up on her regularly. This way, I'm sure nothing will go wrong." Yes, if he could get in contact with Liu Bao Ru regularly, then maybe they could indeed still find a way to deal with everything and give their people a higher chance of winning. He just hoped that Yun Bei Fen and Luo Lin would stay safe until then.

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