616 Some Basic Information Is Needed

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While Xi Ju Hai was on her way back to the Teng Yong Sect's camp, Mu Qing walked out of the room and told Liu Bao Ru about the plan he and Xi Ju Hai had come up with. The two of them also discussed how to go forward from here. Right now, there was no way for her and Zhi Guan to leave, and having them on the inside was also vital to their plan since it would give them more opportunities to deal with the challenges that would inevitably arise.

Still, every day the two of them stayed in the underground palace was an additional risk for them to be exposed. It wasn't just that they were among their enemies. So far, they had done well. The problem was that the longer they stayed, the more they would have to interact with everyone else. This would, in turn, raise the risk of being discovered. After all, how much knowledge did they truly have on the demonic faction, the Yu She Sect they were pretending to be disciples of, and the mission they were currently taking part in?

With all these issues coming together, it was only a question of time until they would be exposed. The question was whether that would happen during the next three days or if they could actually make it through until the moment of truth.

Mu Qing couldn't tell but he was worried that it wasn't looking good. "What do you know about the Yu She Sect? Are you somewhat familiar with it?" They had already gone over the mission so Liu Bao Ru was more or less up-to-date in that regard. She was also not officially taking part in this so it was alright to show that she knew less. Knowing this would allow her to help Zhi Guan out in a pinch though or tell him the details if there was an opportunity. Anyway, for now, it was more important to brush up on her knowledge of the demonic sects.

Liu Bao Ru furrowed her brows, thinking for a moment. The Yu She Sect ... it wasn't like she hadn't heard of it but there really wasn't much information available. "The sect seems to be rather small. It definitely can't compare with the four great righteous sects or the demonic faction's Wu Yun Sect. It should be roughly at the level of the clan surrounding a bigger cultivation family."

Mu Qing tilted his head in a half-nod. "True ... although their numbers seem to fluctuate a lot. They also have some ties to the spirit beasts which can't be counted as official disciples of the sect but have a kind of alliance with them."

Liu Bao Ru gave a hum. She had never heard about that. Even if she thought about it hard, she wasn't sure why this was the case either. "Are they geographically close to each other?"

Mu Qing inclined his head. "They are. Also, it seems their Sect Master has some private ties to a spirit beast clan. I am not sure about the details there but considering that I have heard about it at all suggests that it should be a pretty big deal."

Even though his Master had wanted him to integrate into the demonic faction more deeply, this had mostly gone for the Wu Yun Sect. Even if other sects were considered, the Yu She Sect likely couldn't enter Feng Bai Xiao's eyes. Naturally, he wouldn't have one of his disciples pay attention to them.

Liu Bao Ru nodded. "I'll keep it in mind."

Mu Qing pondered, wondering what else there was to say about the Yu She Sect. In fact, as long as Liu Bao Ru and Zhi Guan didn't interact with the disciples that had actually come from the sect, their knowledge didn't need to be too deep. It wasn't like outsiders would know the sect's secrets after all. Rather than that, it was important to know the general information about the Yu She Sect that was obvious to anyone who had ever had any contact with its disciples or gone to the sect grounds.

Speaking of the latter ... "The Yu She Sect is located halfway up a mountain range. There is dense forest all around and the area isn't easy to traverse. This is something the other disciples might be likely to bring up if they have ever tried going there."

Liu Bao Ru nodded again. "What are the specific issues of the place?" To a regular human, a mountainous region or a dense forest were an issue but the same naturally couldn't be said about cultivators. You could simply fly up to the sect if it was really too tough to navigate. That was, of course, unless there was something speaking against that.

"You can't fly up because there is a dense layer of miasma halfway up to the sect grounds. It lingers above the treetops and you can't really see how high it reaches because only the lower part is visible. Those who try to fly over it will oftentimes crash down. Then, good luck getting through the forest."

"So going up on foot it is."

"Mn. And then, you'll have to pay attention to the wild beasts in there. Most of them aren't spirit beasts but many are venomous and potently so. Even cultivators will be hard-pressed not to suffer any consequences if they come in contact with them even if it won't kill them."

Liu Bao Ru felt that this wasn't odd. "The Yu She Sect's sword arts have been inspired by the movements of snakes if I am not wrong. It makes sense that they live in that kind of environment. Do they raise any of those animals themselves?" She knew that there were sects who did so but as for whether the Yu She Sect was one of them ... she really didn't know.

Mu Qing shook his head. "No, they don't. If they did, we'd be in much more trouble." After all, if two disciples of the sect couldn't take out any of the commonly raised animals of the sect ... wouldn't that look extremely odd?

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