637 A Good Way to Convey a Message

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While Mei Chao Bing continued with his so-called training for his Master's grand plan, Luo Lin and Shen Lei were still stuck in Elder Fa's tent, waiting for her to return.

"It doesn't seem like she will return soon." Luo Lin's expression was reluctant. Under normal circumstances, he would have loved being alone with Shen Lei in a situation where they were waiting for somebody who didn't seem like they wanted to come back. Right now though, time was of the essence so this continued wait annoyed him.

Shen Lei sighed, not feeling any better than his lover. "Maybe we should try to move back outside and around the camp?" This way, they might at least find out where the Elder currently was and could make a guess about just when she would come back. Of course, there was also a chance of being exposed which would cause trouble to no end so he wasn't too eager to try.

Luo Lin hesitated. He hated being stuck here with no direction to work in but ... it seemed too risky. Elder Fa was one of the only people who was unabashedly on their side. It wasn't clear if the same went for the rest of the Zhen Yan Sect though. Since this was the case, it was better not to take a risk.

He thought this way and that, his gaze wandering through the tent in the hope of finding something that could give him further hints as to where the Elder had gone. Finally, his gaze paused on the small desk that was placed in the middle of the tent.

He hesitated for a moment and finally pulled Shen Lei over there. There was nothing there that could them solve the current predicament of not knowing the Elder's whereabouts but he suddenly had a bold plan. Pointing at a few blank scrolls of paper at the side, he looked up at his lover. "How about ... leaving a message?"

Shen Lei's brows slowly rose. "To Elder Fa? And then leave?"

Luo Lin hesitated and then shook his head. "No, we naturally can't leave but ... we should be able to do something with this, shouldn't we? Maybe ..." He pondered, still not entirely sure where to go with this. He only knew that writing a message seemed to be better than not doing anything. At the very least, they could keep busy for a while and might be able to come up with other options.

Shen Lei waited but also saw from Luo Lin's expression that his lover wasn't sure himself yet. He glanced through the tent, starting to try and think about other ways of accomplishing their goal as well. What they wanted to do was to speak to the Elder alone to explain everything to her and ask for help but for that, they first needed to get her alone in her tent. To achieve that ... they should probably try to draw her attention?

He reached up and rubbed his chin, not sure either how this could be accomplished without giving their presence away to others and exposing Luo Lin's ability. Anyway, they couldn't move without seeing the place in front and they weren't sure whether they were exposing themselves whenever they opened a window in the dreamscape. They hadn't had anyone to test that on, after all. And it wasn't like it was easy to open one that wouldn't draw attention while floating in the air.

Shen Lei suddenly paused when the latter thought passed his mind. Yes, the reason why any gap in the dreamscape was so conspicuous was because it would float in the air. Thus, if others could indeed see them through such a gap, then they would be seeing a disembodied eye in the air even if they opened the smallest possible window. The only exception to that rule was if they opened the gap beneath eye level and far beneath eye level at that so that it wouldn't be obvious even from a distance.

Thinking about this more closely, it should be that the gap was less attention-grabbing the closer to the ground it was. And if it was close to the ground ... it might be perfectly possible to use such a gap to convey a message.

Shen Lei reached over and patted Luo Lin's arm. "Let's write a letter. Then, we can throw out the letter close to the ground whenever we find the Elder. Just have her step on it. She'll find it odd and check what is down there and then see our message. She is certain to check the tent then."

Luo Lin nodded and immediately pulled Shen Lei to sit down at the table. He didn't dare to leave the dreamscape so he could only kneel on the ground, quickly open a window, and pull the paper and a brush inside. He added the ink slab and stone and then started to write a short message.

Meanwhile, Shen Lei looked at the entrance of the tent. While conveying the message this way would work, there was still the issue of finding the Elder. This was the difficult part, to be honest. "As for moving outside ... let's just keep as close as possible to the outsides of the tents. I guess the closer the openings are to an object, the less obvious they would be if they can be seen from the outside." Of course, this was especially true if the object wasn't even and had different colors so the tents really weren't a good way to hide but in their current situation, it was the best they could do.

Luo Lin nodded and hurriedly finished writing the letter. He handed it to Shen Lei to let the ink dry while he carefully put everything back where it had been. He couldn't help but glance at the entrance of the tent every now and then, worried that the sounds he made when interacting with the outside world would expose them. In the end, he was lucky though. Nobody came inside the whole time so it seemed that they still hadn't drawn any unwanted attention.

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