670 It Still Made No Sense to Him

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Everything slowly seemed to take shape: The people from the Zhen Yan Sect's camp had arrived at the town where the Teng Yong Sect was staying, the Jian Chu Sect and the Li Ren Sect had been informed, and Tan Xin and Song Mu were on their way back with the resources necessary to start on the first part of their plan.

In the underground palace further into the border region, things didn't make any progress but that was what everyone preferred as well. After all, for Zhi Guan, Liu Bao Ru, and Mu Qing, it was best that nobody noticed that they weren't actually on the side of the demonic faction and had long since started planning how to hinder the grand plan everyone else was looking forward to. So no changes were for the best.

Of course, if they could find out any additional details from any of the other disciples, they wouldn't complain. Even if time was running out, maybe it would give them an idea for a last-minute effort to stop everything that was going on. The chance for that was certainly slim but they weren't out of hope yet.

While everyone on their side was slowly working toward their goal, the same was true for the other side. Well, in a sense, the other side didn't actually need to do anything. The disciples in the underground palace were waiting for Elder Feng and Elder Lei to appear while the people left in the headquarters were also simply waiting until it was time for the big battle. The only one working toward his goal was Feng Bai Xiao himself and ... well, his 'work' consisted of letting Lei Cheng train Mei Chao Bing. He himself could simply sit back and watch.

After his Master had proven that he was willing to move against Yun Bei Fen if he dared to even say the wrong thing, Mei Chao Bing didn't dare to try and play any games. His Master wanted him to practice? Fine, he'd do that. He didn't want him to ask any questions and simply forge ahead? Alright, that could be done as well.

His Master had truly managed to tightly grasp onto the one weakness he had. He probably shouldn't be surprised about that. Anyway, wasn't this what he had done with Mu Qing as well? And they had never thought that his Master was an upright person, not after he betrayed the Teng Yong Sect and killed Elder Wu, at least.

During the time they were training, Mei Chao Bing couldn't help but wonder if he was making any progress at all. He was simply taking in and releasing energy from one stone after another. It seemed ... completely useless if he was being honest. But then, maybe this was simply because he had been long since past this kind of practice that focused on what seemed to be the fundamental basics of cultivation. Without more of an explanation, it just seemed odd. What really was the difference between the energy of the person and that of the surroundings?

While he continued to practice, his thoughts circled this question. His Master had let him ask a few questions before. Even though he had warned him earlier than that moment, he hadn't done more than that. At that point though, he almost attacked. Clearly, he didn't want him to find out the answer.

Even though he didn't dare to do anything, Mei Chao Bing still hoped that he would be able to figure this out. Only that way did he have a chance to turn this whole situation around. He needed to understand and he needed to do so before it was too late. Unfortunately, as long as his Master was there, he had little chance to get information from this Elder Lei even though he generally didn't seem opposed to telling him. Thus, he could only try to think the situation through by himself and hope that he would notice anything that might lead to the right answer.

The room they were in was deep inside the headquarters of the demonic faction. No sunlight reached this place and the only light around them emanated from a few braziers. Feng Bai Xiao had quietly extinguished a few of them earlier. Even though this made their situation seem even more depressing, it did aid with this kind of practice.

When cultivating, one's senses might be a hindrance. That was why most cultivators entered closed-door cultivation several times in their lives: They would leave for an environment that lacked the stimulation that usually surrounded them. One that was quiet, as empty as possible, and did not show too many changes in light. In such an environment, cultivation could more easily advance as the mind could be more focused and the spiritual sense was sharpened.

The room they were in had been set up to aid in cultivation from the very beginning. Now, with even less light, there wasn't much else to focus on. Apart from the fact that there were two people he didn't trust at all and that he still felt that he had to somehow protect Yun Bei Fen, there was nothing disturbing Mei Chao Bing. This was helpful for cultivation ... and also very suitable for thinking.

What was the difference between taking in the twisted energy from that person compared to taking in that from the surroundings? The energy itself shouldn't differ since it should be drawn from the person through the array and permeate the ground around it in that way. Only when the person was completely out of power would the energy that had spilled over be absorbed by the array as well and return that place to how it had once been.

Even if he had understood the way this worked wrong and the energy did differ, after all, it shouldn't be a problem. After all, he could take in all types of energy and turn them into ... pure spiritual energy or however one might want to call what the Lin family was able to produce.

All of this could only mean one thing: The difference had to lie in the result one would get depending on which source the energy came from. But thinking along that line ... it made even less sense to him.

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