618 One Wrong Step

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Speaking of the little bunny ... he was currently still in the courtyard over in the little town, seriously practicing his attacks while holding onto Xiao Hui. It had been quite some time since Mei Chao Bing left with Da Hei and Song Mu to test his special constitution and even his Master had gone with Elder Xing to where they had found traces of the demonic sects' activities earlier.

Throwing another slanted attack, Yun Bei Fen sighed deeply and looked at Xiao Hui. "It feels like I am not making much progress. I had hoped I could show Mei Chao Bing that I had finally gotten it after he came back so he'd have to worry less but it doesn't seem like that'll work."

Xiao Hui ... might have been a spiritual beast but was actually quite young and probably couldn't understand that much. Anyway, Xiao Hui definitely couldn't speak so Yun Bei Fen was greeted by silence.

He sighed again but didn't dwell on it either. He wasn't as good as others when it came to this but so what? He had recently found out that he was actually quite amazing considering he had an ability himself so that should make up for it. As for the things his ability couldn't help with like these wretched spiritual attacks ... well, he'd have to put in more effort to finally get it right.

He picked up his mood, straightened up his body, and then raised his hand again, trying yet again. Anyway, looking at this attack now and thinking of how his attacks had looked just two or three days ago, he felt like he had made some progress already.

Of course, this wasn't just due to hard work. No, the education and tips he had received from the red priest had likely played the biggest role. Even though it had taken him forever to get it and he still wasn't that proficient at any of it, he had managed to get a slightly better grasp on using his spiritual energy. If he continued in this direction, he would definitely advance by leaps and bounds in the future.

If Yun Bei Fen was best at anything, it was definitely his ability to pull himself out of any negative thoughts and stride toward the future with a positive outlook. Unless it concerned Mei Chao Bing, he also wasn't one to worry much. He would just take things as they came and deal with them as best as he could. For many cultivators, this kind of carefree way of life was very envious. Was there ever a risk of developing a heart demon or suffering qi deviation? It sure didn't look like it.

Of course, this behavior also came with its downsides. For example, even though he had heard that he was in danger of being targeted by the demonic faction, his awareness of that wasn't very high. At most, he'd think that he had to make sure the other side couldn't make trouble for Mei Chao Bing by using him. But then, he also wouldn't know what steps to take to do so. Knowing this, he would just push the issue to the back of his mind and focus on other things first. In this case ... that wasn't a good idea.

While Yun Bei Fen was practicing alone in the courtyard, the ground beneath lit up faintly. He stopped in his tracks and tilted his head, wondering if he had done something wrong. If you threw a few hundred badly aimed attacks at the ground, was this what would happen? Oh! Could it be he had accidentally imbued the spiritual energy into the ground in the shape of some array? After what White Jade had told him, it somehow seemed possible for that to happen ...

Yun Bei Fen had no idea what was going on and stood on the spot, feeling puzzled. The thought that it might be best to run as fast and as far as he could didn't even cross his mind. None of this seemed dangerous, just odd.

Then, his shoulder was grabbed from behind, and before he could turn around, the array beneath lit up more brightly and the image of the courtyard in front faded in the blinding light.

Yun Bei Fen closed his eyes and hugged Xiao Hui more tightly in his arms. Finally, he indeed felt a little scared. Just what was going on?

The hand that had been clasping his shoulder let go and a voice sounded from beside him. "I brought him back as instructed."

"Good. Let him be for now. Just make sure he doesn't run off. He might not be formidable but with those looks, it's easy to pretend to be innocent and slip through somewhere."

Yun Bei Fen's brows twitched and he carefully opened his eyes a crack. Blinking a little, he saw a man sitting opposite him calmly. There was a complicated array beneath him and the spiritual energy swirling in the air was almost palpable. It was obvious that this person was of a high level.

Yun Bei Fen cared little about that though. He was used to being the person with the lowest level in the room anyway so this kind of thing never shocked him. His grasp on differentiating higher levels was also really low so ... this didn't seem to be that much of an issue. Anyway, it wasn't like the other person had attacked him so why should he care?

No, what really caught his attention was the face of the person: He had thin lips, a pair of sword eyebrows, and an uncomfortably piercing gaze. This person ... wasn't that Mei Chao Bing's evil Master who had betrayed the sect? How come he had suddenly ended up in front of him?!

Yun Bei Fen couldn't tell. He could only hug his bunny more tightly and secretly hope for Mei Chao Bing and the others to come and save him. Of course, he also realized that he seemed to have gotten himself into the situation they had wanted to prevent. Ah, somehow, it felt like he had done something wrong but he also didn't know which step had been the one that finally led to this.

Like a Ray in My Night (Part 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant