684 Time to Attack

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Back in the underground palace, Zhi Guan and Liu Bao Ru had made up their mind to fight as long as they could to give their side at least a small advantage. Since they were either already discovered or about to be when Song Yu Zheng and the others realized that they hadn't come back, this was the only logical step.

They both switched to the weapon they were most familiar with and then headed out to the route the patrol usually took. Zhi Guan had taken this path before with the group of demonic practitioners so he knew which way to go.

He led the way, his gaze wandering around to make sure there wasn't an ambush laid out already. Since Feng Bai Xiao had suddenly appeared here, anything was possible. And even though he didn't seem to be that important in the grand scheme of things ... he was at least Yun Bei Fen's senior martial brother. Knowing his little junior, that meant something.

A few minutes passed before they heard someone ahead. Zhi Guan motioned at Liu Bao Ru and they both hid close to the entrance to the underground palace. This was already the end of this group's patrol for today and they would return to their room while one of the other groups would be on its way through the palace itself before checking the surroundings. This meant that as long as Feng Bai Xiao himself didn't appear, they could take care of this group easily. Well, at least as easily as two people could deal with four opponents.

Zhi Guan lowered his gaze and looked at the blade of the sword he had been using for years. This was why he had agreed to become a cultivator back when his Master approached him: He wanted to have the strength to protect the people around him. Now, for maybe the first time in his life since he entered the Teng Yong Sect, it seemed that he had reached the point where he truly had to prove that he could do it.

It wasn't that he hadn't fought for the sake of others in the past. But in those situations, the others had usually been disciples like Shen Lei who could also fight. At most, it could be said that they were supporting each other. It had hardly ever been like this, where he had to fight to ensure that the people here wouldn't harm innocent ones later on.

Raising his gaze to the group that slowly came closer — clearly not that vigilant anymore now that they were almost back in what they considered to be the safety of their own stronghold — he pushed away all extraneous thoughts, focusing only on the task ahead: Kill these people, then deal with the next group until he couldn't continue any longer.

Liu Bao Ru glanced at Zhi Guan, not sure if he had a specific plan. Everything had happened suddenly and they hadn't known how exactly the situation would develop so they hadn't talked it through earlier. Now, they could only act based on their own thoughts, it seemed.

Zhi Guan noticed her glance and turned toward her, finally motioning to both sides. In this situation, it seemed best to just take on a person on each side and finish that fast before focusing on the other two depending on whatever circumstances had developed by then.

Liu Bao Ru inclined her head and faced the front again. She held her sword but didn't dare to mobilize her spiritual energy just yet for fear of alerting the enemy. They had to deal with this group swiftly. Maybe then, they could get the next group patrolling as well before having to face the rest. After all, it was only a question of time until they were discovered. You couldn't kill people who lived together in close quarters with others and expect them not to notice that things had suddenly gotten quieter.

The first two disciples in the group stepped into their range of attack and Liu Bao Ru and Zhi Guan both rushed out of their hiding place, slicing at them.

Liu Bao Ru actually hit the disciple's throat accurately before the other person realized what was going on. Blood splattered and she jumped toward the next person without a moment's delay. They had to hurry!

Zhi Guan wasn't doing as well. Even though he went in for a killing blow as well, the disciple barely managed to raise his arm in time. The blade cut into his flesh until it hit bone but it couldn't be called fatal. Not for a cultivator and certainly not immediately.

Zhi Guan furrowed his brows, gave the disciple a kick, and pulled back his sword at the same time. He slashed at him again, this time hitting the shoulder on the other side and incapacitating him. Of course, this wasn't enough. Even if he could only run off and call for help, that would put them in a difficult situation.

He tried to hit him again but the fourth disciple of the group rushed over while Liu Bao Ru kept the third busy. He threw a spiritual attack Zhi Guan's way, trying to make him back off.

Zhi Guan narrowed his eyes and still struck out toward the disciple he had attacked first. This time, the tip of the blade accurately found his chest.

The disciple stared at him with wide eyes before falling to the ground.

Zhi Guan turned away and raised a spiritual shield barely in time to catch at least part of the attack from the other side. His brows moved but he didn't even flinch before turning around and jumping toward the last disciple.

He had never feared injuries. He only feared being unable to do what he had set out to do. Knowing what lay ahead and how they were unlikely to make it out alive anyway, he'd rather trade in a blow he received for a chance to take down one more person so they could buy time for everyone else.

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