610 One Issue Remaining

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The two of them raised their brows at the same time and turned to look at each other.

"That is the spot you wanted, right?"

Luo Lin nodded. "Yes, it seems like it." He turned back to the front and glanced in the other directions to make sure there really was only this one bush. After observing for a while, he nodded again. "Yes, this is definitely that spot. It seems to have worked."

Shen Lei hummed and hugged his lover to his chest, pressing a kiss on top of his head. "Well, seems like we still work best together."

Luo Lin pursed his lips, his arms immediately circling Shen Lei's waist. "I am so lucky to have you."

Shen Lei clicked his tongue, feeling that he had to agree with that. Still, right now was unfortunately not the time to celebrate being the perfect couple. They still had things to do, after all. "Let's try again and move back to the spot we just came from."

Luo Lin nodded, closed the window, turned around, and started to count without further preparation. After having it work once, he suddenly felt a lot more confident about using the ability he had copied from Blue Butterfly.

Shen Lei wasn't one to doubt himself either so the two of them took a step forward and when they stopped and peered outside, they indeed found out that they had managed to make it to the right place.

Luo Lin sighed and patted his lover's chest. "Ah Lei is so smart. You really figured it out. With this, we should have a much better chance to get through the upcoming fight."

Shen Lei hummed even though he still worried about using this ability on the actual battlefield. It wouldn't be that easy. There would be no time to carefully choose a location or to count and make any adjustments. They'd have to make split-second decisions, both at the same time, and that ... really wasn't easy. Even if it had been him and Zhi Guan who had worked together for years, he wouldn't be sure that it would work reliably every single time. With Luo Lin, the chances of that happening were even lower.

Despite his worry, he didn't mention it yet. This was something they had to discuss but they should first speak with the people of the Zhen Yan Sect and solve this issue before thinking about anything else. Anyway, when using this ability a little more, they might be able to figure something out. They were a pretty creative couple, after all.

Reassuring himself, he finally motioned to the tent Luo Lin had originally tried to move in front of. "Since we've made it back to our original spot, let's move to the tent and then make our way to Elder Fa's tent as we discussed."

Luo Lin nodded, feeling that now that they had figured out how this worked, it shouldn't be an issue. After pondering for a moment, he pulled Shen Lei down to squat and opened a thin window to look through. "We still need to worry about being seen. I think at this height, we're more unlikely to be spotted."

Shen Lei didn't say anything and simply followed suit. Moving forward was a little more difficult in this position but they were both flexible so after deciding, they didn't waste any time. A moment later, they had already arrived in front of the tent.

This time, Luo Lin didn't even bother to close the window so they saw the situation change directly in front of their eyes. As soon as they were in front of the tent, they quietly discussed where to move next, inching their way forward.

Luo Lin faintly furrowed his brows as they did so. "It's not too convenient this way. If this was in the enemy camp, we might be in trouble."

Shen Lei sighed. He hadn't wanted to bring it up to not make Luo Lin feel frustrated but his little fairy had actually figured it out himself. In that case, it should be alright to say a few words. "I've thought about that too. It's a bit difficult. Don't worry though. After inviting Elder Fa, we can slowly discuss and find a way to make this work. Anyway, we've figured out everything else so far, haven't we?"

Luo Lin hummed. Yes, this was also right. He hadn't had this ability for long but somehow, they had managed to copy the abilities of the four guardians. And while he only gained part of their abilities with the restriction of only being able to use them together with Shen Lei, they had figured out the conditions pretty fast.

With this kind of progress, it indeed wasn't impossible to find a way to make this more convenient. Just look at how they had managed to figure out how to move to where they wanted in less than a day! Compared to the fever dream-like state they had been traveling in before, this was worlds apart. Naturally, it wouldn't be impossible to build on this.

Just then, the two of them spotted the tent in the middle of the Zhen Yan Sect's camp. Two disciples stood in front of it who would definitely see them if they came closer. Right now, they were still half-hidden behind another tent but it was only a question of time until somebody saw them.

Luo Lin took a deep breath to calm down and let go of any extraneous thoughts and then pointed at the tent flap. "As soon as it opens, move to whatever spot you can see."

Shen Lei nodded. Their heads were basically stuck together so they would definitely see the same spot. Even if they didn't, it should be close enough to end up inside the tent. Anyway, not to mention meeting Elder Fa, this was also a good opportunity to practice what they worried about: In a situation where they needed to move together in a split-second, could they do it?

Like a Ray in My Night (Part 4)Where stories live. Discover now