660 Two Targets to Attack

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Closing his eyes, Baili Chao tried to get a grip on himself. He hadn't been this pessimistic before. Even though he had known that their chances might be bad, he had been willing to believe that there was a way out. It was only now ...

He shook his head and opened his eyes again, looking at Xi Ju Hai. "You don't know yet but the other side somehow managed to grab Yun Bei Fen. Mei Chao Bing ... went after him and hasn't returned yet. I somehow doubt he is going to."

Xi Ju Hai's expression turned solemn. "So it happened after all." They had feared this but had also known that it might be inevitable. "Then nothing is keeping Elder Feng from going ahead now."

Baili Chao nodded. "Yes. I definitely doubt that Mei Chao Bing is able to say no to him if Fen'er's life is at stake. He ..." He shook his head and sighed. "He loves him too much. Compared to him, I am afraid the Teng Yong Sect means little to him."

Xi Ju Hai couldn't argue against that. Everyone had their own values and sometimes, those values would run contrary to one another. A while ago, she might have thought Mei Chao Bing was obviously making the wrong decision but by now, she got it.

He didn't have much of a choice. He didn't want to help his Master achieve his goal either and he would certainly do whatever he could to try and thwart his plan but ... there was only so much he could do under these circumstances. With such limited options, in the end, maybe he would indeed help him do his bidding even if it was killing him inside.

She kept quiet for a moment but finally looked at the two Elders directly. "Since he is currently in a bind, then we have to do our part even more. Yes, we don't have enough people and the things we can do are limited but as long as we can weaken the other side at least somewhat, it'll be alright. Our part ..." She shook her head and finally smiled. "Even if it's small, it might still make a slight difference somewhere. If that is simply giving others a few more weeks or months to prepare, then so be it. It still needs to be done."

Elder Xing nodded and turned to look at Baili Chao. "She's right. I know it's your disciple and you'd probably like to help as well but ..."

Elder Baili sighed. "But there is nothing we can do on that front, I know. Let's not talk about Fen'er. Let's talk about what we can do for the overall situation. Obviously, opposing Feng Bai Xiao directly would be a suicide mission. Don't even mention now, even during the time he was still in our Teng Yong Sect, there were few Elders who would be able to defeat him."

Elder Xing pulled a face but still had to agree. "I guess that is the benefit of being nurtured by two big sects at the same time. As for us, I suppose we can only try to deal with as many other people of the demonic faction as we can. It's a pity Mei Chao Bing is the one who carries that magical box your second disciple made or we could have tried to directly blow up their headquarters."

Baili Chao nodded even though he couldn't help but think inwardly that Yun Bei Fen and Mei Chao Bing might be at those headquarters. "Apart from the headquarters, there is also the underground palace. From what disciple Xi just said, it seems that the elite disciples of the demonic faction are all gathered in the underground palace while everyone else has stayed in their headquarters.

"This means that there are two targets: One where we could ht the majority of their manpower but which might also be the place where Feng Bai Xiao is currently located and one where the best of them have gathered but that currently shouldn't be as tightly observed by him. Looking at it this way, I suppose we can only attack the underground palace. This should also be more convenient considering that Ah Guan and disciple Liu are still there and could coordinate with us."

Elder Xing nodded. "It seems that this coincides with the plan disciple Xi and Mu Qing came up with as well. I'd simply suggest moving it forward in the hope that it can impact Feng Bai Xiao's plan."

Baili Chao was of the same opinion. "It's a pity that we are missing Mei Chao Bing and Shen Lei is also out with my Ah Lin. Plus, we don't know how well Ah Guan and Mu Qing will be able to cooperate with us when we arrive. When fighting against the best disciples with only the people from our Teng Yong Sect, I am not sure how well we'll fare. The techniques of demonic practitioners can be tricky."

Xi Ju Hai faintly cleared her throat. "I spoke to Zhi Guan on the way to the underground palace and he told us that he originally managed to sneak into their headquarters by relying on a powder his second junior martial brother had created which can put a person to sleep. I've been thinking ... if we were to make use of a similar technique, maybe we could deal with these disciples without having to actually fight. That would leave us enough strength to make a difference at the headquarters as well."

Baili Chao raised his brows. Something his second disciple made? Well, that wasn't too odd for him to accept. Yan Hong Min had created a lot of things over time and even though many of them seemed to stem from the fever dream of an already crazy person, many had practical applications. In this case ... maybe they could indeed make use of them.

The only problem was that he currently wasn't here and contrary to his first and third disciples, he also didn't make it a habit to carry some of Yan Hong Min's inventions around. Ah, he really should have paid more attention to this in the past ...

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