677 Nothing Had Been Hidden

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Back in the main hall, Mei Chao Bing continued to hold Yun Bei Fen. His expression hadn't looked good since the moment he realized that something was off about the situation so there seemed to be no change after what his Master had just said. Inwardly though, he felt ready to collapse.

He had thought that they had roughly figured out his Master's plan. He had thought they could get back in touch with Mu Qing to gain even more information and would have at least a chance to stop what he was up to. Of course, he had known that any plan they came up with was risky. After all, his Master's level wasn't low and they had no one who could directly compete with him. They could only try to outsmart him somehow and take advantage of whatever other gifts they had.

Clearly, all those thoughts had been superfluous though. There was never a chance to take the demonic faction by surprise and prevent his Master from achieving his goal. The simple truth was that his Master had known everything they figured out and planned in reaction to that from the very beginning.

He was aware that Yun Bei Fen was the only person he could threaten him with. He was aware that Yun Bei Fen's first senior martial brother was here in the underground palace. He probably also knew that he had been in contact with Mu Qing. Maybe he was even aware that Yun Bei Fen had an ability and had received help from the four guardians.

Absolutely nothing had been hidden from his eyes. It had all been their delusions that led them to believe they stood a chance against this man who had been planning all of this for years.

Actually, even thinking about it now, Mei Chao Bing couldn't exactly tell how he was able to do this. Yes, reaching the demigod stage gave you a much stronger and much more detailed control of spiritual energy and your spiritual sense but could that be to the point of surveying the whole border region and even figure out what they were talking about? Or had he come up with some other way?

He didn't know and he didn't have the time to try and figure this out. Even if there was time, with Yun Bei Fen in his current state, he really couldn't do anything else to oppose his Master. He had learned a lot from him and in the short times during which he wasn't in closed-door cultivation in the past five years, he had also made sure to continue to learn more. Matters regarding souls and how to trap or set them free certainly hadn't been among those though.

Maybe this was what he should have studied. Maybe he should have made himself more familiar with the techniques of the demonic faction to counter them. That way, maybe he could have prevented some of what had happened. But that would have made his situation in the Teng Yong Sect even more precarious and by now, it was too late anyway.

Mei Chao Bing suppressed a sigh and closed his eyes. None of that was important right now. He had to think of the future. With Zhi Guan here, he could at least protect Yun Bei Fen's body. That was good. Even though having the body was more or less useless without having the soul, the same should be true the other way around as well. If his Master gave him the crystal with Yun Bei Fen's soul but his body had vanished in the meantime, then what could he do? So, he definitely needed someone he could trust to keep an eye on Yun Bei Fen's body while he tried to get back his soul.

Soon, steps sounded from one of the corridors leading to the main hall.

Mei Chao Bing opened his eyes, his brows furrowing again. That definitely wasn't just Zhi Guan. Even if Mu Qing was accompanying him, it wasn't right. He could hear four distinct sets of footsteps.

His spiritual sense gave him feedback in the way of sound so he had always been more sensitive to that. Distinguishing this kind of thing wasn't difficult for him. In fact, focusing more closely, he could even tell that, actually, none of these steps sounded like the way Zhi Guan walked.

Yun Bei Fen's first senior martial brother was a straightforward person. In an unknown and dangerous environment, he would certainly lighten the sound of his steps to not give himself away but he would still walk comparatively fast and usually didn't bother to hide either. Instead, he walked straight in the direction where his goal lay, never once hesitating.

The steps that currently sounded might not show hesitation for the most part either but they also weren't the type of steps someone who was worried they'd be attacked would make. In fact, only the first sound seemed to be made by someone who had misgivings about the situation but the rhythm was too different from Zhi Guan to be his.

He stared at the door but, at the same time, he also felt that it mattered little. Could the situation get any worse? It didn't seem like it. Whether Zhi Guan was among the people who would enter the hall in another moment or not, his Master would still be the one who had all the advantages on his side. Neither people from the demonic faction nor people from the righteous faction could skew the favor much in either direction. The overall distribution of power had long since been set.

After another moment, the door finally opened. The person who stepped into the hall first was Mu Qing, soon followed by Song Yu Zheng while Lu Wei and Wen Xiang were trailing behind. Nothing could be seen of Zhi Guan.

Mei Chao Bing looked at his senior martial brother and heaved a faint sigh of relief. Well, at the very least, he could trust this person to keep Yun Bei Fen's body safe for him. In the current situation, that was about as good as he could hope for.

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