689 A Certain Standard for Actions

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Back outside, Zhi Guan and Liu Bao Ru moved swiftly to the door where the patrol team would leave the building. This place was far enough away from the rooms where everyone was staying that it shouldn't immediately alarm anyone but it was close enough that they had to stay mindful and make this a swift fight.

They both found hiding places where they wouldn't be seen immediately and fell silent, their eyes trained on the door.

Liu Bao Ru tightly gripped her sword, ready to attack upon sight. Inwardly, she went through a few strategies: Attacking the ones closest to them would allow them to kill more swiftly. Maybe they'd even be able to deal with them in one hit like she had managed to do with the first disciple of the previous group. This would reduce the time needed to deal with everyone by a large margin and also make the whole fight less risky for them.

On the other hand, attacking the ones behind first would seal off the path back inside and give those demonic practitioners less chance to alarm everyone else. It might be worth a shot, even if it meant more trouble with this specific group, after all, it would be even worse if they had to face more than four people at the same time. They could deal with one group even if it was difficult but more than that? That was impossible.

Of course, there was also the possibility of trying both at the same time: One person could attack the disciples at the front and keep them busy while the other bypassed them and kept the ones in the back from running inside and calling for help. This strategy might allow them to cut down the number of people they had to face to three early on. Then, one person could temporarily contend with two of them while the other finished up their fight before they both took on their own opponent. That way, the risk was certainly lower.

Liu Bao Ru hesitated for a moment but finally pulled out the paper duck and imbued spiritual energy to contact Zhi Guan. They were too far apart to talk but close enough to make use of his junior martial brother's upgrade of the paper crane. Also, the use of spiritual energy for this was low so it was unlikely to expose them either.

Zhi Guan faintly raised his brows, glanced in her direction, and then pulled out his paper duck to see what Liu Bao Ru wanted. Hearing her suggest how to go about the upcoming fight, he hummed. "The last strategy sounds best." Yes, it seemed to strike the optimal balance between the things they needed and the things they could actually get depending on their actions.

Neither of them was a person of many words. Since Zhi Guan agreed and she knew how to go about it, Liu Bao Ru had nothing else to say. She simply stopped imbuing her spiritual energy into the paper duck and put it back into her spatial back.

On the other side, Zhi Guan did the same. Then, the two of them went back to staring at the door, silently waiting for the patrol to come out.

A dozen minutes passed silently and Zhi Guan furrowed his brows. He didn't know where the patrol group was. It might take a long time for them to actually come here. In the meantime ... had Feng Bai Xiao already left or was he still there? He hadn't felt any bigger fluctuations in the spiritual energy which seemed odd with the level the other side had. Of course, he could mask his own level but ... that wasn't a failsafe method and it shouldn't be able to hide his presence completely.

If he was gone though ... what had he come here for? Were there some preparations necessary for the plan? Had the whole plan been advanced? Both seemed possible but he didn't like the implications of either. The problem was that he didn't know which meant that he couldn't do anything. Well, apart from trying to reduce the number of people here in the underground palace but with how they currently had to wait and how it would be difficult to fight everyone else later ... he didn't think they'd be able to do much more.

Zhi Guan's gaze roved over the whole building and he thought of Mu Qing who was still inside. By now, he and the trio around Song Yu Zheng might still be in the hall or they might have left because they received a new task. He couldn't tell. After not returning for so long, it was also likely that Song Yu Zheng had caught on to what was happening. Then, he should also realize that Mu Qing may have known from the beginning who he was. After all, it wasn't a secret that Mu Qing had originally been part of the Teng Yong Sect.

Zhi Guan was someone who was willing to use his life to fight against the demonic faction. If he were in Mu Qing's situation, he wouldn't mind contending against Song Yu Zheng and the other two. Even if he finally lost, it would be alright as long as he took one or two with him. It was just ... others were different, weren't they?

He thought of Luo Lin and how distraught his third junior martial brother had been when he found out about Shen Lei almost passing. If it had truly been too late to save him, who knew how he would have dealt with it? And just like Luo Lin, junior martial sister Xi also held Mu Qing dear. If he was killed ... she'd be sad too, wouldn't she?

His standard for acting was always based on his experiences during his childhood and then those made later with his little juniors. If it was Luo Lin or Yun Bei Fen ... he'd definitely go and save their partners for them so maybe he should go and do the same for Xi Ju Hai.

Zhi Guan pursed his lips and finally got up, switching over to Liu Bao Ru's hiding place. "Should we ... go and save Mu Qing?"

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