667 The One to Take the Lead

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Before Mu Qing and Tan Xin returned, the group from the Zhen Yan Sect's camp arrived in the small town at the edge of the border region. They had cut straight through the territory the demonic faction had infiltrated but considering the circumstances, they all felt that they had no time. After this ordeal, the younger disciples were mostly out of spiritual energy so Elder Ximen accompanied them further toward the east where everyone sat down and meditated.

Meanwhile, Elder Fa went to speak with Elder Baili and Elder Xing, telling them about what their sect had found before asking about the situation at hand. "Since then, have you received any new information?"

The two Elders nodded and got her up to date, also mentioning the plan in as far as they had come up with this. Saying it out loud, they actually felt a little embarrassed because it only seemed to consist of the two parts of getting rid of the elite disciples in the underground palace and trying not to die for as long as possible as they attacked the headquarters. They were seriously underprepared.

Fa Ai Jun sighed. She had roughly expected as much after the news she received from Luo Lin and Shen Lei. She had also thought it through on the way here but it didn't seem like there would be an easy way forward. No matter what they did, the losses on their side would be huge. Right now, there only seemed to be one thing she might be able to contribute and even that was unsure. "You know, I'm not sure if it would be feasible but maybe the underground room my disciples found could be used to keep the elite disciples from the underground palace. The only question would be how to get them there. We likely won't have the time to bring them there with how little time remains."

Baili Chao raised his brows. To be honest, while he hadn't seen the room, this did sound like a good idea. Anyway, it wasn't easily found and the demonic faction might not think of that place too soon if they wanted to save their disciples. They could probably put them there without risking too much. Thinking it through in this way, he slowly nodded. "I could see that working."

Elder Xing wasn't as sure. "Contrary to the underground palace, it isn't connected to the surface of the ground, is it? How would we get the disciples in there? Wouldn't we need to create an opening first?"

Elder Fa nodded in response. "Yes, apart from one disciple who had a one-time use array for such occasions, we only explored it using our spiritual sense. It is quite far down in the ground. I was thinking that we could do it with an array if the people from the Li Ren Sect arrive early enough. Otherwise, what Elder Xing said indeed seems to be the only option. Anyway, someone needs to take charge and you have the most information so I will leave the decision up to you." This might be a cop-out but it was indeed true that not everyone could give their opinion and discuss slowly in such a situation. Otherwise, they would still be talking when the demonic practitioners became active themselves.

Elder Baili and Elder Xing naturally understood this as well. Even if now wasn't the time yet, it couldn't hurt to establish who would make the decisions going forward. If their two sects were already in agreement, it would be much easier to handle the discussions with the other two sects.

The two Elders from the Teng Yong Sect exchanged a look. Neither of them was all that keen on using the soul-trapping formation so if they could trap those disciples in another way that would ensure that they were out of the way for the fight, they would naturally take it. The problem was that it didn't seem very safe.

Elder Xing finally sighed. "If we can force our way in, then they can force their way out. Just locking them up in that place shouldn't work. Of course, it is possible that the Li Ren Sect's people have an idea of what we could do about that. Anyway, we need to wait until Disciple Tan and Disciple Song are back so we might as well wait until then."

Elder Baili nodded. "That would be my preference as well. In the worst case though, I believe that spot is at least far enough away from any settlement that setting the soul-trapping formation up there couldn't accidentally hurt others. So this might be a good spot nonetheless. We should talk the details over when everyone has gathered though."

Fa Ai Jun inclined her head. "Very well. Since this is decided, I will go and talk to my senior martial brother and then help him guard our disciples. If you need help with anything else, tell us. Our disciples will need more rest but at least one of us and maybe some of the older ones should be able to join in soon."

Baili Chao shook his head. "No, you should rest more. You have a long journey behind you and you were in a rush. Let everyone gather as much of their strength as possible. They will need it later on."

Elder Fa gave a hum and then left for the hill where their Zhen Yan Sect's people had gathered. She glanced over the disciples to make sure that all of them were alright and then walked to Ximen Chang's side, telling him what Elder Baili and Elder Xing had said.

Listening quietly, his brows slowly furrowed but, in the end, he still nodded. "That seems like the most logical choice and yes, you are right to let them decide for now. Anyway, our disciples are best at supporting others. We should take that role as much as we can in the upcoming battle. It might save some of them." At the end of the day, that was what he hoped for the most: That they could let the younger generation survive somehow, even if life wouldn't be easy going forward.

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