659 Not Enough Time, Not Enough Strength

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The two of them finally got up and traveled to the camp of the Jian Chu Sect in increments, slowly making their way to a point where they felt safe leaving the dreamscape without being seen. Then, they approached the camp just like they had with the Zhen Yan Sect and the Li Ren Sect before, informing the Elder in charge of what Zhi Guan had found out and handing over the letter of Elder Fa.

In the end, this sect as well had its disciples move to the camp of the Teng Yong Sect. This meant that even though they would receive no help from the outside, at least the disciples each of the sects had in the border region could work together to ensure their safety a little more.

This time, Luo Lin and Shen Lei followed the group of the Jian Chu Sect instead of relying on the dreamscape. After all, it would have seemed much too suspicious if they left only a little earlier or stayed behind but managed to reach their sect's camp a lot earlier than the group from the Jian Chu Sect. They couldn't risk that even though they would have liked to inform Elder Baili and Elder Xing so they could rest assured.

While the two of them were on the way back, Xi Ju Hai who had gone to speak to Mu Qing, already made her way back to the camp of the Teng Yong Sect, informing the Elders of what Mu Qing had told them and how they intended to proceed.

Hearing her words, Baili Chao furrowed his brows. He had already expected that it was bad but ... this seemed even worse. And, frankly, with Feng Bai Xiao's level being that high, they simply had no way to stop him.

Elder Xing thought the same way. "No matter what we do, we can't stop him, can we? And if he really releases that person ..." He shook his head. "I don't think there is any course of action left for us."

Elder Baili's brows furrowed even more tightly. He wanted to deny that this was the case but ... he had nothing else to offer either. Frankly, at this point, even Feng Bai Xiao himself would be able to take on most of their sects' Elders.

Even if they could take him down in the end, they would suffer heavy losses. With just a bit of effort from the demonic sects, the righteous faction could be completely annihilated. That was simply the kind of strength a cultivator at the demigod stage had and, well, they had nobody on their side who could contend with him.

He rubbed his forehead, unable to say a single word. At a time like this, anything he put forward could only count as empty words. After all, in front of absolute strength, neither knowledge nor preparation meant anything. Wasn't that how it had gone back when the person beneath the continent had been imprisoned? The sects of that time had sacrificed so much that hardly anything remained and it had taken thousands of years to get to the state they were at now. And soon, all of that would cease to exist.

He gulped and leaned back, exhaling slowly. "It's commendable you are still trying to plan. I am afraid it won't matter though." Even though he wanted to be a positive example, right now, he couldn't do it. There just seemed to be absolutely no point. So what if they tried? If Feng Bai Xiao wanted to, he could deal with them easily and he'd likely start with the Teng Yong Sect considering his ties toward them.

Xi Ju Hai naturally understood the mood the Elders were in. This was just like what Mu Qing had said in the beginning. He had also felt that there was no way they could win and it was only because she pressed that he at least tried to come up with something. He hadn't seemed optimistic though.

She lowered her head and finally smiled faintly. "We can't win against him but ... I suppose we can do something about other people. He can only kill us once. If we take down the majority of the demonic practitioners with us before he manages to do so, then at least the common people won't suffer as much."

Even though not all demonic practitioners were bad, enough of them were so this was indeed a worry they should have. And since they called themselves the righteous faction, they also couldn't give up now. They had to be proactive and at least try to do as much damage as they could if they couldn't do anything else.

Baili Chao looked at her and slowly nodded. "I suppose you're right." Whether what she said was doable or not though ... that was another question altogether.

Elder Xing had the same doubts but also figured that they couldn't just give up. "You said that you wanted everyone to go to the underground palace before the plan could start to attack. In fact, I believe we should go as early as possible. If the timing is important, then maybe we can delay it and somehow mess up his plan."

Xi Ju Hai nodded. "That would be my idea as well. What about the other sects? Do you know anything yet?" She had only been gone for a few hours but she was hopeful nonetheless. She had to be or all of this would simply be too depressing.

Elder Xing sighed and shook his head. "Not yet and I'm not sure if there will be enough time. I suppose we can only wait."

Elder Baili knew that Shen Lei and Luo Lin should definitely have gone to all of the camps now but he didn't mention it. Anyway, even if this was the case, it didn't matter as long as the others couldn't make their way over here in time. No, despite how fast his disciple and his lover were, all of this might still come too late since they only had three days left.

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