691 Seamless Cooperation

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The person in question wasn't doing very well at the moment. With Song Yu Zheng and Wen Xiang ganging up on him, he was at a disadvantage. His level might be higher than theirs but the difference wasn't so big that both added together couldn't do serious damage to him. If he had been at the peak of the nascent soul stage maybe or even in the demigod stage like his Master, then sure, it wouldn't matter. But with him not even having reached the upper level of his stage, there simply was no way to fend off both of them without sustaining injuries one after the other.

It didn't help that he had further considerations. For one, there was his junior martial brother's lover. He didn't think that either of these three had caught on yet that he had a vested personal interest in making sure nothing happened to him and instead tried not to hit him with any stray attacks because his Master had basically brought him in but ... that could change any moment now.

And two ... he was still trying to buy time for Zhi Guan and Liu Bao Ru. They had had a lot of time already but who knew if it was enough? If they accidentally ran into others and were kept back, then what? He couldn't win against Song Yu Zheng's trio but the longer he stalled them, the more time those two would have to escape. This was what he wanted.

Mu Qing furrowed his brows, evading another hit from Song Yu Zheng but having to brave the attack from Wen Xiang instead. He could seldom evade both. If he managed to get out of one, the other would usually connect or simply cut him off in one direction so he'd have to face the next one.

This was precisely why a one-versus-two was never a good idea. Especially so if the two people fighting against you were very familiar with each other and could coordinate their attacks in a way that meant creating opportunities for each other without having to waste a second with words.

The fight wasn't looking good but it was about to become even worse. Lu Wei who had been standing aside, not sure how to react at first, wasn't one to completely keep out of things first. He didn't entirely understand how things had developed this way but he at least had a hunch. Even if he didn't though, he'd listen to Song Yu Zheng. He had never gone wrong with that.

He glanced around the room and picked up the person Elder Feng had left with them. He had no idea who he was or why he was important but ... it didn't matter. Since the Elder had come here to leave this person in their hands, it meant he had a role to play and couldn't be caught in the crossfire of this fight. Before he joined in, it was better to get the person out of the way though.

He grabbed Yun Bei Fen's body and dragged the person out of the way and all the way to the door. Then, afraid that it wasn't enough, he actually pushed him outside. Anyway, if Mu Qing through some miracle managed to slip past them, they couldn't let him use this person as a shield. The further away he was, the better.

Having done this, he turned back around, took a deep breath, and then rushed toward the fight of the other three people. He didn't even bother taking out his weapon. With three of them on one side and the other person being alone, this fight would draw to a close soon enough no matter what they did.

Song Yu Zheng and Wen Xiang guessed his intentions and seamlessly shifted to the side, using the opportunity to cut Mu Qing off even more securely. At this point, it would indeed be a wonder if he could escape.

Mu Qing smiled wryly but continued to fight. Anyway, there was no choice. He could only continue to evade, defend, and attack whenever possible. In fact, he should probably start to go all out. Even if he couldn't survive this, maybe he could take one or two people along.

Making up his mind, he narrowed his eyes and then hacked at Lu Wei, following right up with a spiritual attack.

Lu Wei who hadn't completely integrated into the rhythm yet was taken aback. He barely evaded the sword strike, not having expected to be targeted directly. With how fast the spiritual energy followed, he knew he wouldn't make it in time if he tried to evade again and could only brace for the impact, intent on not letting Mu Qing take advantage of the opening this could create. No, if this guy dared to try and charge out from his side, he'd tackle him directly.

Before the attack could hit, a spiritual barrier sprang up right in front of Lu Wei's face, absorbing part of the energy that collided with it and reflecting the other half back. Some of it hit Mu Qing's body, making him swerve in the other direction.

Song Yu Zheng who had thrown up the barrier at the last second, followed it up with a wave of his fan, pushing Mu Qing even further in the direction he had been tumbling toward which was where Wen Xiang was ready to receive him.

Mu Qing's brows furrowed further. He ... seemed unable to even take down one of these three as long as they cooperated like this. He didn't have any illusions that he could stop it either. These disciples were just too familiar with each other. Some words or a feint or two would never get past them. Even if one of them fell for it, the other two wouldn't. He ... seemed to be worse than a sitting duck now in that he could only take a beating in his quest to bide for time so somebody else could escape. Well, at least his little junior's fiance had been brought to safety first. That was at least one worry less.

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