688 No Mercy for a Traitor

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Song Yu Zheng slowly narrowed his eyes and finally took out his fan, snapping it open.

It really was a pity. He would have loved to continue getting along with this person but if Mu Qing couldn't be loyal to their side, then, well, that made him their enemy. With the grand plan almost about to commence, how could they spare one of those?

His lips behind the veil twitched when he thought of everything he himself had revealed to that guy, Zhi Lin. Ugh, when his Master found out, he should better prepare for the worst. Not being labeled a traitor himself would already be good. Of course, this was only a worry if someone knew what he had done.

He waved his fan a few times, looking very much as if he was bored out of his mind while waiting. "It's so odd that martial brother Zhi isn't back yet. I hope nothing happened to his sister."

Wen Xiang glanced at him and nodded, his gaze also slipping to the door. "It sure is odd."

Lu Wei looked from one to the other and raised his brows in response. "Should I go and look for him?" He also felt that a lot of time had passed and this certainly wasn't normal. Could it be that something had happened when Brother Zhi went out? Was something wrong with his sister?

Song Yu Zheng raised his fan higher and glanced over the rim at Wen Xiang.

"I'll go and check." Wen Xiang didn't wait for Lu Wei to say anything and instead walked out of the room.

Mu Qing looked at his back, trying not to look tense while simultaneously getting ready for a fight. Song Yu Zheng clearly suspected something and so did Wen Xiang. It was probably his luck that Lu Wei hadn't caught onto things yet but he would soon enough. Even if he didn't ... this guy usually just followed Song Yu Zheng in whatever he did so if the latter attacked him, the former would just follow suit without thinking too much. Then, it would be two against one while he also needed to protect the person in his arms.

Mu Qing looked at Yun Bei Fen's motionless body. He had promised Mei Chao Bing to protect him but now, it looked like he couldn't even guarantee his own safety. Well, this person had been handed to him by his Master so there was a chance that this trio wouldn't do anything to Yun Bei Fen even after they dealt with him. He had to believe in that.

Anyway, what choice did he have? He could win against each of them but that was under the assumption that it was a fair one-on-one fight. In a two-against-one or even a three-against-one, he would naturally be powerless. Maybe he could do some damage to the other side but losing was a matter of course. He had no doubts about that.

Mu Qing sighed inwardly. He had just met Xi Ju Hai again and managed to talk for a while. Even though nothing had been certain and they didn't know whether they'd have a future together, he had hoped that there would be some way. Now, it didn't look that great.

He smiled to himself and turned aside to put down Yun Bei Fen.

Before he could do so, Song Yu Zheng made his move. He jumped toward him, the bladed fan slashing out.

Mu Qing hastily retreated. He couldn't fight while holding someone so he hastily put as much distance between them as possible and let him fall to the ground. He would have liked to put him down more gently but he didn't even have time to bend down before Song Yu Zheng was already right in front of him.

Since they were more or less of the same sect, he knew him well enough. This guy had always preferred fighting fast because his fan was lighter than other weapons, giving him a slight advantage in terms of speed. Especially with the variation between the open and closed form, he was formidable when he pressured his opponent in this way.

Mu Qing hurriedly took his sword out from his spatial bag, his brows furrowing tightly. "What are you doing?" He knew he likely couldn't pull the wool over his eyes but he needed to try. Even if he couldn't do anything about him, maybe he could at least make Lu Wei hesitate.

Right now, the person in question was still standing there, his eyes wide. Unfortunately, Mu Qing wasn't about to be able to take advantage of that.

Wen Xiang, who had pretended to leave before, stopped just outside and turned around as soon as he heard Song Yu Zheng make his move. Pulling out his own sword, he rushed back inside, attacking Mu Qing together.

Mu Qing could only furrow his brows. At this point, there was no use talking any longer. He could only fight.

He parried Song Yu Zheng's attack since he had expected it. He also heard the sounds from outside as Wen Xiang turned around but he only had one weapon and two hands. He tried to push him back with a spiritual attack of his own but couldn't aim while Song Yu Zheng kept him busy.

Wen Xiang had more than enough time and space to evade the attack and came for him again.

Before Mu Qing could try further, the blade of the sword already hit his shoulder. He gritted his teeth and tried to pull back, trying to at least make sure that he didn't have to meet enemies from two different sides.

Of course, Song Yu Zheng and Wen Xiang also understood what he was trying to do and, naturally, they wouldn't give him a chance. They both shifted their position and once again coordinated their attacks, making sure that Mu Qing stayed where he was.

Both attacks proved that they certainly wouldn't show any mercy just because it was him. No, maybe because it was him, they would be even more ruthless than usual.

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