650 Asking for a Fight

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Song Yu Zheng's lips twitched. "What's with your obsession with people being naked?" This was the second time he had brought it up when none of them had even thought about it. He still hadn't managed to get the image out of his head from earlier!

Zhi Guan blinked his eyes, feeling a little confused. He certainly had no such obsession. Also, wasn't this what Song Yu Zheng had meant? Still feeling puzzled after thinking about it for a moment, he finally couldn't help but ask his doubts out loud. "But you asked about it."

"I ..." Song Yu Zheng gaped and then looked at the other two. Had he asked whether somebody was naked?

Wen Xiang shook his head while Lu Wei looked pensive.

"So, in the end, if they weren't having fun, what were they doing?"

"Chatting." Zhi Guan felt a lot happier with Lu Wei's question but that also was no reason to volunteer too much information.

Lu Wei hummed. "What about?"

"I don't know. They stopped talking when I appeared and I didn't think to ask."

The other three exchanged a glance. Having secrets from her older brother ... that sounded promising!

Song Yu Zheng hurriedly pulled Zhi Guan to sit down, intending to get get to the bottom of this. "So you didn't hear what they were saying but you should have gotten an impression at least. How do you think they got along? Is there any chance they'll develop into more soon?"

Zhi Guan pondered. Certainly, Liu Bao Ru and Mu Qing would have to see each other more often to discuss plans so ... "I suppose so?"

Song Yu Zheng sighed. It really wasn't easy to talk to this guy when it came to such matters. "Well, exactly did you see? There must have been some hints!"

Wen Xiang nodded vigorously. "Yes, it can't be that there was nothing. Did they stand close while they were talking? Was she laughing? Did they touch? Anything like that?"

Zhi Guan seriously pondered those questions and decided to go with the full truth so he wouldn't accidentally reveal anything. "They weren't touching and she wasn't laughing either. As for standing close ... I suppose they might have?"

The other three put on pensive expressions. This didn't sound that good. They definitely hadn't progressed very far.

After a moment of silence, Song Yu Zheng clicked his tongue. "Well, we shouldn't be too anxious. Anyway, they are now in the same place and are bound to meet more often. That is a good basis to work with. We can't forget that your sister is still officially in a relationship. It's not easy for her to even consider him in a romantic sense."

"Right! I mean, if she were to easily jump ship, I don't think she'd be right for our senior martial brother Mu. He deserves somebody better!" Lu Wei made a face, full of righteous indignation.

As a result, Wen Xiang reached over and knocked on the back of his head. "Watch what you're saying!"

Song Yu Zheng also gave him a disappointed look. This was still Zhi Lin's sister they were talking about here. How could he say such casual things? If her older brother got angry, wouldn't they be the ones who would miss out?

Of course, he wanted to set Mu Qing up with somebody. But if it didn't work out, he'd have to live with that. Compared to taking in another strong disciple who was loyal to their faction from the get-go, it wasn't all that important. At the end of the day, Mu Qing was but one person, and there were others of equal strength out there.

Speaking of which ... "How do you think you compare to senior martial brother Mu in terms of fighting strength?"

Zhi Guan looked at Song Yu Zheng oddly. Had he realized something? Well, not about him but about Mu Qing? It almost sounded like it. He pondered for a moment but finally figured that going for a vague answer was better so he shook his head. "I couldn't tell. I'd have to fight him to know for sure or at least watch a fight of somebody I've exchanged notes with before to get a grasp on it. Otherwise, it would be baseless speculation."

Song Yu Zheng sighed. Well, this was to be expected. Mu Qing had certainly fought against quite a few people but they were all from their Wu Yun Sect. People from other sects who had had this chance were few and far between. It was a pity but this, too, couldn't be changed just because he'd like to. "Well, don't think too much about it. I'm sure there'll be a chance in the future."

Zhi Guan nodded slowly. "I'd like to try." In fact, he'd like to try fighting all of these people. If he managed to make them exhausted by causing a big fight between everyone, it would be even better. Sadly, since they knew that the big plan was about to commence soon, there was no way they'd actually agree.

He sighed, feeling a bit reluctant to give up. This would be a good opportunity to slightly influence the outcome. Unfortunately, he couldn't have everything.

Song Yu Zheng noticed that he seemed a little down. He unfolded his fan in a swift motion, his mind churning. This Zhi Lin was obviously somebody who admired strength just as much as he did. He should feel reluctant to give up on having a fight with Mu Qing. "How about ... we ask him to have a fight?"

Zhi Guan raised his brows. "Senior martial brother Mu?"

"Yeah! You looked like you'd really like to try. So why not just ask for it?"

Zhi Guan lowered his head and pondered. He did want to fight but certainly not Mu Qing. He would like to fight Song Yu Zheng and the others though so ... "Actually, is it a good idea to fight the possible future partner of my sister? Wouldn't I seem like I have something against him and am trying to keep him away from her? I think, in this case, it might be better if you asked him."

Like a Ray in My Night (Part 4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz