614 Not Much Information Was Known

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While the two lovers were exchanging sweet words of love to shorten the wait time, another pair of lovebirds was still brainstorming ideas back in the demonic faction's underground palace.

"Frankly, Elder Baili's youngest disciple wearing any protective talismans or the like shouldn't make my Master even blink. He won't take it seriously because of his level so it should be easy to do. You can go all out with that, just try to hide some of them.

"It certainly won't protect him from someone in the demigod stage but it can help him withstand some of the impact of the fights around him." Mu Qing was sitting at the table with his brows faintly furrowed. Even though his words might make it sound as if he was optimistic about this part of the plan that wasn't necessarily true.

Anyway, even if they used all the protective items they could find on Yun Bei Fen, it still wouldn't be enough to protect him if his Master decided to attack him head-on. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do to prevent that from happening either. They could only hope that he wouldn't even think of doing it.

Xi Ju Hai nodded. "This shouldn't be difficult. Knowing Elder Baili and junior martial brother Yun's senior martial brothers, he probably already has a lot of protective treasures. It's just a question of equipping them." Although, just like Mu Qing, she also felt that this could only play a small part. Yun Bei Fen's level was simply too low. Considering the average level of even the disciples involved in this, he was out of his league here. Many could flatten him with just one attack. What could some protective items do? At most, he'd gain a little more time.

Even though it seemed like this wouldn't help all that much, she didn't argue against it either. Right now, they could only work with these small ideas. The effect might be limited but it sure was better than nothing. And at the end of the day, their small efforts combined might make the difference between winning or losing this battle.

While Xi Ju Hai still worried about Yun Bei Fen's safety, Mu Qing hummed with a pensive expression, thinking of the others who would be involved. "The disciples coming from outside should be of various levels. It would be best to provide the ones at lower levels with protective items too. Also, you should consider together with the Elders how to distribute everyone.

"The stronger disciples can naturally protect the weaker disciples but if they fall, then the ones behind would be in a difficult position. Not to mention that they can only provide limited support in terms of backup. It might be better to have them do auxiliary tasks like preparing arrays in case you can think of a way to use those. Later, the stronger disciples would only need to supply their energy to activate them, shortening the duration needed to attack while also preserving the younger disciples' energy so they can flee in the worst case."

Xi Ju Hai hummed. "It's a pity there are so few people. Otherwise, we could have come up with a plan to attack in waves. Still, I suppose there will be some options."

Mu Qing also thought that the preparations in this regard were likely to be the most impactful. "These arrangements will depend on how many people you have and what their levels are. I can't help with that. I can only supply you with some information about the people on this side."

Xi Ju Hai nodded and hastily took out brush and paper, handing them to Mu Qing. "You write it down for the Elders to see." Also, this might come in handy later. Mu Qing was currently helping which would be seen as mitigating circumstances if he was put on trial after the battle was over and they won.

Still, he couldn't escape punishment and how grave that punishment would be would depend a lot on how much help he was willing to give and how much of it they could prove. After all, she had once been his fiancee. Her word mattered little when it came to finding the truth or holding him accountable. She would be presumed biased and any word she said in his defense would be doubted. Thus, the more physical proof of his help there was, the better. Maybe even that couldn't convince everyone that Mu Qing had tried his best but it should turn the odds slightly in his favor.

Mu Qing slowly wrote out everything he knew about the disciples involved in the mission. Actually, even though he was somewhat in charge, there still wasn't much. He could name most of the disciples and he knew which sects had sent them and how many of them each. He was also aware of their levels and had a rough grasp on their relationships with each other but that was already it. Anything else ... it had either never been communicated or if it had been, then not to him.

He sighed when he wrote the last piece of information down and looked up at Xi Ju Hai. "This is all that I know about them. Also ... I can't be sure that all of this is going to be right. The plan is for my Master to come here and start the ceremony as soon as Ah Bing arrives but ... who knows if he won't bring other disciples along because he suspects something? My Master is ... pretty observant and he knows to plan well. If he believes there is any chance we could seriously disrupt his plans, he should come up with countermeasures ahead of time. In the same vein, he won't let me know some details because his trust in me is low."

Xi Ju Hai nodded. "I know. But I will take any information I can get. As for the rest, just let us worry about it while you continue to play your part. That way, you can help us the best."

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