Chapter 87

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Jaime POV

Good morning, mister blue eyes," Meagan said as I opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times, confused as to where I was. I looked around and saw medical equipment. I lifted my left hand and saw I had an IV in.

"What happened?" I asked. Meagan - Mom - smiled down on me.

"You had your port replaced. Remember?"

"When?" I asked, feeling groggy.

"Just about an hour ago," she said.

"Where's Dad?" I asked.

"At the venue. He's got work to do. I'm going to take you home when you're ready," Mom said.

"I want to go back on tour with Dad," I said, feeling like I was going to go back to sleep.

"I know. You will. You're going to come home to sleep tonight, we'll come back to the hospital for your chemo tomorrow and I'll take you back to the venue after. Okay?"

"Mmhm," I mumbled as I dozed off again.

"Alright mister Clarke, let me see that your port looks good and you and your mom can leave, okay?" I heard a voice come through the fog in my head.

"Mom?" I asked, opening my eyes. My mom was here? How was that possible?

Meagan smiled at me. Right. Meagan's my mom now. I asked her if I could call her Mom. Because my real mom. No. Meagan's a real mom. My birth mom is dead.

The person who'd been talking pulled at the top of the hospital gown I was wearing.

"Okay. Looks good. Jaime, look at me," the voice said. I tried to focus on them. There were two of them. And they were talking at the same time.

"What?" I asked. I couldn't understand them.

"I'll reiterate everything when he's more lucid," Mom said, smiling. "Can I take him home now?"

"If he's able to get up, then sure. But you'll have to take a wheelchair.  Hospital policy."

"Let me go get the car and bring it to the front while you take out his IV and get him ready to go," Mom said.

"You have really pretty hair," I said to the nurse above me. She did. It was blonde and sparkly.

She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Jaime," she said.

"Really. It's really pretty. And sparkly." 

I heard her giggle. It was cute. I told her.

"Okay, Jaime. But I'm at least ten years older than you."

She pulled my shirt over my head. She was helping me get dressed.

"Your boyfriend is lucky," I said.

"Wife, and thank you," she said.

"Okay. Your wife is lucky. You have a wife? That's funny. One day I hope I'll have a wife too."

The nurse smiled at me.

"I'm back. Jaime, are you ready?"

"Mom, the nurse has a wife. Isn't that cool?"

"It's the anaesthesia," the nurse said.

"It's very cool. Come sit here," Mom said.

"I'm gonna have a wife, too," I said to Mom.

"Hopefully, one day," she smiled at me.

"Bye nurse," I said. "I hope your wife is good to you. Tell her I said so."

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