Chapter 01: Out of reach.

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The car moved relentlessly over the dirt road. They were surrounded by nature, the birds sang and the sun was neither too hot nor cold. Everything was perfect, and yet Neteyam couldn't help but feel bothered by it all.

It had been a long journey from America to Italy, and after almost a month and a half of traveling they had finally arrived at their destination, though to say that they were disappointed was an understatement.

The change of pace from Boston to Florence was great, and for children that were born and raised in the chaos of the city, to find themselves in a place as boring as the countryside of an already  small city in another country was something be feel frustrated about.

They tried to hide it, of course, but they were as discreet as a group of elephants. His siblings bickered in hushed voices beside him as if he wasn't able to hear them.

"I just don't understand why must we must come here! There are a million more places in the world, why would Daddy choose here? We have been traveling forever and I am tired already, I want to go home!"

Tuktirey puffed her cheeks leaning against her second brother, Lo'ak. The little girl had a terrible sassy temper for being only eight years old, however, her siblings never failed to set her attitude straight.

"Tuktirey," Kiri warned her with a serious voice.

"Can you quit whining already? We know you are going to like it there when we arrive with the Geljo's." Lo'ak pinched her arm softly enough not to hurt her.

"We all needed this time away from the city, anyways" Kiri mumbled.

Neteyam looked straight to the front as if he was suddenly interested in whatever his parents were doing in the car that was leading them ahead on the road, just to avoid his sibling's worried stares.

Tuktirey kept mumbling things under her breath for a while with her arms crossed and a deep pout like every time something didn't go her way. Neteyam could tell Kiri and Lo'ak were getting fed up with her attitude, but he did not blame her because she was the only one who was completely unaware of the reason why their father had dragged the entire family to another continent in a desperate attempt to make things better.

Neteyam hated being the reason why his siblings had to abandon their routines and friends for whatever amount of time his father deemed best to be away, although they kept insisting that it was not his fault and that he should keep thinking that way, he just couldn't help it.

A soft smile was drawn on his lips and his hand went behind Tuktirey's ear. She flinched believing it was a bug, but smiled once again when he saw her brother pull out candy because just like their mother, the youngest and the oldest children of the family had quite the sweet tooth.

At some point, the cars came to a stop in front of a villa and Neteyam's stomach hurt due to the nerves. He felt Lo'ak give him an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder and together they walked next to their father.

A broad man opened the front door followed by his wife. Tonowari was his name and he had been friends with their father for years. The Sully children only knew the man by name, but his father was so fond of him that it didn't feel like they were looking at a stranger.

"And these must be your children." He greeted them with a welcoming smile. "My family and I were eager to have you all here, we hope you will enjoy your stay."

Tonowari addressed all of them, and yet he only shook Neteyam's hand which made the young man feel so incredibly aware of the reason of their stay that he had to look away not to reveal the distress on his face in fear to be impolite.

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