Chapter 10: Fall from grace

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The clock struck midnight, and Ao'nung couldn't believe he was still willingly sitting on that sofa when most of the party was having a fair fun time upstairs.

A few women had approached him already, and although he truly had tried to make conversation his mind kept wandering off to the two laughing fools next to him.

It was clear that Cece was already tipsy, and Neteyam had had enough glasses to make him relax and slump against the couch.

Ao'nung lit a cigarette wondering if it would be best to go back home.

"Don't you want one?" Cecilia said trying to give Neteyam her already lighted cigarette.

"No, I forgot mine, so don't mind me." Cece rolled her eyes trying to put it in between his fingers. "No, I'm truly alright."

"I have offered to you now, just take it." She insisted.

"But is your last one."

"For goodness sake." She rolled her eyes playfully, raising an eyebrow at the other man who observed the interaction through wrinkled brows. "Ao'nung."


"Don't you have something for Neteyam?"

"I am perfectly alright." The man sitting in between them sighed. The two friends were too enraptured in their own little quarrel.

"I offered him mine." She shrugged.

"And he said he didn't want it." Ao'nung looked at her as if she was demanding for him to give his candy away.

"Because he is too polite to say otherwise!"

"Alright!" He clicked his tongue placing his cigarette near Neteyam's lips.

"I really haven't come here to steal your cigarettes," Neteyam spoke, clearly amused.

"See? He doesn't want it!" Ao'nung tried to take his hand back, but Cecilia grabbed the wrist to keep him in place.

"Well, don't you, Neteyam?" Cecilia tilted her head and Neteyam felt a sudden rush of heat cross his face because being under their expectant eyes was more nerve-wracking than it should have.

He leaned forward to take a long puff, and when Cecilia was sure Ao'nung wasn't going to move away she released his hand gently.

Neteyam's lips made contact with the mouthpiece and for a second he swore he saw Ao'nung's hand twitch. He took a long puff and retreated slowly, never taking his eyes away from him.

He exhaled the smoke calmly, creating a smoke curtain that once gone allowed him to see Ao'nung staring directly back at him.

"Thank you..." Neteyam said, releasing the last bits of smoke with each word.

Ao'nung nodded and it seemed like it took him great effort to tear his eyes away from him, but ultimately he did when Cecilia cleared her throat from behind Neteyam's back.

"So, I was thinking...we've been just sitting here for quite some time." She leaned forward, but her words were not directed to Neteyam. "Ao'nung..."

"Mmm?" He turned to look at her with eyes full of boredom.

"Don't you think so?"

"Yes." He mumbled holding the cigarette between his lips. "That man there has been staring at you for some time now. I'm sure he won't deny you, we will be fine here."

His lack of care was upsetting to the woman who was too flustered by having been rejected with no second thought. Cecilia frowned and left with rose-tinted cheeks.

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