Chapter 27: A Rift Amongst Predators.

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Tsireya walked slowly, making her way around the tables placed on the green field. With a polite nod of acknowledgment, she greeted every woman sat nearby who would look her way, scrambling before any of them got a hold of her and made her sit to partake in meaningless chatter.

The sun was high in the sky and their thunderous laughter overpowered the sound of the men carrying around their weapons.

The hunt was about to begin and the loud ambiance overwhelmed her since she couldn't see any member of her family nearby.

Fortunately, she was soon proven wrong, and a startled feeling overcame her when the strict voice of her mother came from behind.

—Why are you standing her alone?— The woman frowned in question.

—I needed to step away for a moment.

—Mm, I know. Every year I tell your father how boring is to be seated the entire afternoon under the hot sun, and every year he doesn't fail to bring us along with him.

—Perhaps is not a bad thing.—Tsireya moved her handheld fan slowly, following the eyes of her mother to where her father stood laughing—He likes it here, and I believe Ao'nung does too.

—The idea that they can only see eye to eye when it comes to shooting an animal seems rather crude. I will never understand how men think.  

The girl giggled, taking in the pleasant view of everyone being overly enthusiastic to start with the yearly hunt.

However, the disapproving mumble of her mother contrasted rather harshly with the lighthearted ambiance.

—Look at them.—Her frown deepened as she stared at the Sullys. Lo'ak was carrying a shotgun with him, seeming familiar enough with the gun to hold it with ease—Who's bright idea was to put a weapon in that boy's hands?

—Whatever do you mean?—Tsireya sighed discretely. Her heart weighed only by witnessing the displeasure on her mother's face.

—Let us pray he doesn't go wild this time around. Lord knows he has a knack for it.

—Mother, you ought to stop being so harsh on others.

—I ought to do nothing of the sort.—Ronal kept her chin up, gripping her closed fan in her hands—You are still too young to know, so I do not blame you, but one day you'll learn how to keep away from the wrong sort of people.

—And you consider him being one of them?—She pursed her lips, experiencing the utmost feeling of injustice— It is not fair of you to judge him when you have barely spoken a single word to him in all of his time here.

—And I do not need to. Seeing him walking around my house all bloody and bruised tells me everything I need to know.

—The incident with So'lek wasn't his fault!—Exasperation got the better of her, earning a glare from her mother that put an end to the conversation.

Without a word the woman walked away and so did her daughter. With a pout and a fast step, she walked forward into the field intending to go to her father, hoping that would at least improve her mood, however, her plans were changed when she came across the very man she had been eager to defend. 

—Why so moody?— Lo'ak raised his eyebrows in surprise.

—I am nothing of the sort.— She shook her head with her eyes closed only for a moment—Are you excited for the hunt?

—Yes,—He grinned,——I'm a fair rider, but a much better shot.

—Is that so?

—You don't believe me?—He tilted his head, feigning disappointment—Quite alright, I'll make sure to hunt something pretty to make you a scarf out of it. I can see you are missing a good pair of gloves too.

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