Chapter 14: Third Act.

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Lo'ak strode down the hall with his box ticket in hand. His brother's words burned in his mind, making his breath hot and raging.

'No!' He had told him, like a petty little child who was keen to have everything his brother took an interest in and outdo him in every turn he took in life.

Was it truly too much to ask for? To have one thing of his own? To have Tsireya, even as a friend, for him and him only?

He should have kept his like for her a secret. He should have known better, he should have been faster, because now the race was over before Lo'ak even got a chance to begin running.

If Neteyam took an interest in her, it was only a matter of time for Tsireya to reciprocate. He knew it, and there was no way to deny it.

The bitter jealousy in his chest felt too similar to those moments when he came to the awful realization that women would only approach him in hopes of meeting his brother.

When it first happened he had felt so discouraged that he could not come anywhere near Neteyam without feeling embarrassed.

The second was a little easier to bear.

The third let him know that he was positively unlikeable.

And by the fourth, the rule had been set.

Lo'ak knew that he had always been the lesser brother. A little less smart, a bit less handsome, a tiny less kind, a touch less adequate.

He knew it, his family as well, and anyone who would get to meet the two of them could tell. It hadn't been a fact easy to come to terms with during his childhood years, and he wondered if he would ever get to be at peace with it for the duration of his life.

He guessed the answer was positive because now each look of disappointment made his heart ache a little less. Or so he liked to think.

—Lo'ak?— A soft voice called. Tsireya walked up to him— Have you seen my brother?

—No, I haven't. Wasn't he supposed to share a box with you?

—He did, yes, but I lost him after the meal. I suppose I should just wait for him.

—...Here?— He looked at the number of his and Neteyam's box and then back at his ticket.

—This is my box.— She explained and Lo'ak put his hand out asking for her ticked which she gently gave away.

—I...uh, there had been a mistake. You should be with your brother and me...Who is with Kiri?

—I supposed she would be with one of you.

—No...Neteyam and I were placed together, so I assumed she would have wanted to share a box with you.

—Oh...This has been made a mess.— Tsireya sighed, rubbing her forehead with the back of her finger.— I suppose she should be with Rotxo, but how can we find them? I don't know their box.

—Nor do I...— Lo'ak mumbled and then sighed as he looked back down the corridor.—Perhaps we should go look for Neteyam, is very likely he is with your brother.

—Perhaps we should...—He looked at the door of their box and then back at him, but with a shy, pinkish tint on her face.— Or...should we just go in?

—But- uhm...

—The concert is about to start, and I would hate to miss the first few minutes of it.

—Are you sure it is alright?— He fidgeted with the ticket in his hands, glancing at her nervously from time to time.

—The lights are dim...No one will notice. And if they do, why would they mind it? You are a family friend, it would be frowned upon if you were to leave me here alone.

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