Chapter 25: An unexpected request.

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Kiri roamed around the hallways with lazy steps. The heat of the afternoon was making her and every other person in the house sleepy.

She thought about lying down, but the day was so beautiful she refused to let it go to waste, therefore, sitting by the terrace to enjoy the breeze sounded like a delightful alternative.

As expected her mother was already there, surprisingly alone and deep in thought.

-Do you mind if I keep you company?- She asked, taking the seat next to her.

-Oh, please do.- Her mother smiled, watching intently her every little move.

Kiri reached for a lemon cookie to nibble on it despite not feeling any hunger.

-What were you doing here alone?

-Your father has decided he likes work much better than me, so what am I to do?- Neytiri leaned back in her chair with a playful smile.

—That's not quite true.

-"Quite" true. There is still a possibility.

-Not at all true.

-Much better. -Her mother nodded, pleased- Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?

-I like being with you...What do you mean?

-Nothing at all.- Neytiri shrugged softly, taking a sip of her tea.- Is there nothing that you wish to tell me?

-No.- Kiri shook her head, looking away as she chewed on her lip.

-Yet you seem troubled.

-I always look like this. How can I not? Having Lo'ak for a brother?- Her little joke drew a tiny laugh out of her mother.

-What is wrong?

-Nothing is wrong.- Kiri spoke softly, looking at her mother in her eyes as she contemplated her next words- There is something...


-...It is rather...more like a q-question.- She stumbled upon her words, dreading the grimace she imagined her mother would make in a few moments.


-...Why don't you like Miles?- She mumbled, fidgeting with the silk of her light green dress.

-Why should I like him?- Neytiri's demeanor changed, and with a chin held high she had to remind herself she was speaking to her daughter.

-He is a friend of Lo'ak's, and mine's, and he has never done us any wrong. Father likes him-

-Your father likes everyone, he can't be trusted.

-Right, but-

-The closer you two grow, the closer that man is to our family.

-His father?

-Who else?

-Miles is not like his father.

-You don't know, and I won't risk it.-She frowned.- He is despicable. A dreadful shadow of a man who seeks to feed off everything your father has worked for.

-Miles won't allow it.

-You cannot trust men like that.-Neytiri leaned forward, growing agitated by the girl's stubbornness-Filth teaches filth. Ultimately they always end up following their father's footsteps, and how could they not? It is in their blood.

-...Perhaps it can happen- It may happen more frequently than not for one's comfort, but It won't happen to Miles. It isn't in his nature, he has his mother's heart.

Water's Embrace || Ao'nung x NeteyamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang