Chapter 13: Second Act.

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Neteyam walked down the hallway and never once looked back to see if Ao'nung was following.

He didn't need to, for his hurried steps to catch up were proof enough that the man was not willing to give up on whatever little game of teasing and taunting he was trying to get him to play.

Back in the main hall people were still serving drinks. He grabbed a glass from the first server passing and swiftly managed to avoid stumbling into anyone.

He was purposefully making it difficult for Ao'nung to follow, turning back once or twice when the man was too occupied walking through people to notice.

Neteyam came across a table full of food. Tiny things that were not meant to make a man full.

From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of someone nervously trying to get out of his line of sight. The man who had spilled the wine on him during dinner acted as if Neteyam would tear him apart if the poor soul did as much as get on his way.

He decided against torturing him any further, so with a gentle smile he searched for the remaining knowledge of his poor Italian in the back of his mind.

—Uh...Non avete per caso...qualcosa di dolce da accompagnare? (Don't you, by any chance, have something sweet to go with?)

—Purtroppo in cucina è rimasto solo il dolce che era previsto per il pasto. (Unfortunately, only the dessert that was planned for the meal is left in the kitchen.)

He spoke quietly, still very wary of Neteyam's mood.

—E...non volete evere un po' di pietà per questa povera anima? (And...won't you have some pity for this poor soul?)

Neteyam touched his chest, faking despair to the point where to man broke into a laugh.

He was sure such a thing wasn't permitted, but the man was kind enough to look like he was considering sneaking Neteyam into the kitchen.

—Vi piace la crostata di pesche? (Do you like peach cobbler?)

—Si, da il caso che sia la mia preferita stasera. (It happens to be my favorite tonight.)

They looked pleased for what was accomplished in their little interaction, and just when Neteyam was about to ask him to lead the way, the man took the glass of alcohol from his hand and began pouring him some white wine.

—Dry Riesling. Si sposa meglio cen le pesche. (Dry Riesling. It goes better with peaches.)

Neteyam took a sip and nodded in approval as he followed the man, and on their way to the kitchen, Neteyam learned many things.

For starters his name was Ercole and he was a year older than him despite his young looks. Perhaps Neteyam was the one at fault since his face had always made him look a few years older than he truly was.

Ercole was new on the job as he had assumed, and he was a man of mellow character just like he appeared to be.

He also learned that Ao'nung had stopped following them since they crossed the last door to the back of the building.

Neteyam and Ercole sat outside as they shared the peach cobbler and comfortable conversation. The night was quiet and the moon was high in the sky, shining over their heads.

Ercole answered Neteyam's questions since the man had been curious about his thoughts about the opera and if he had ever attended as an expectation rather than a worker at the theatre.

But their attempt at conversation in broken Italian and English was abruptly interrupted by someone who opened and closed the door with no trace of gentleness.

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