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Yuri Hiyoku

Clan Name: Hiyoku Clan

The Hiyoku Clan is a highly revered and ancient clan in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery. Renowned for their distinctive ability known as "Crimson Enhancement," they possess blood that holds a potent and coveted power. This power, when shared with others, can elevate a person's curse technique to extraordinary levels, similar to the Limitless technique mastered by Gojo Satoru.

But the Hiyoku Clan's true strength lies not only in their powerful blood but also in their unique curse power technique called "Soul Resonance." This ability allows the Hiyoku sorcerers to synchronize their cursed energy with that of their allies or even enemies, creating a powerful synergy that amplifies the abilities of all involved.

When two or more Hiyoku Clan members perform the Soul Resonance, their cursed energy harmonizes, creating a resonance that magnifies the strength of their curse techniques manifold. This unique technique can turn the tide of even the most desperate battles, as the combined power of the Hiyoku Clan becomes an unstoppable force.

The secret of the Hiyoku Clan's Soul Resonance technique has been guarded fiercely throughout the ages, known only to a select few within the clan. As the Yuri delves deeper into her clan's history and uncovers the secrets of Soul Resonance, she becomes a key player in the delicate balance of power within the world of Jujutsu Sorcery.

The "Crimson Enhancement" is an extraordinary and potent ability, but it comes at a tremendous cost to the protagonist. When she willingly gives her Crimson Enhancement blood to someone, it creates a profound and sacrificial bond between them. However, this bond puts her life on the line, with dire consequences:

1. Limit of Usage: The "Crimson Enhancement," can only be given to a person once, and it can never be transferred to another individual afterward. The bond formed is permanent, and the protagonist cannot share her blood with multiple people.

2. Sacrificial Connection: When the protagonist bestows her blood upon someone, her life force becomes entwined with the recipient's through the sacrificial bond. This means that she willingly gives a part of herself, which includes her vitality, her essence, and even her lifespan.

3. Coma and Time Limit: After giving someone her Crimson Enhancement blood, the protagonist falls into a deep and prolonged coma, entering a state of suspended animation. The duration of her coma varies, but it can last up to a maximum of 20 years. During this time, her body rests, and she remains unresponsive, unaware of the world around her.

4. Life in the Balance: While the protagonist is in a coma, the recipient of her blood gains access to her full power, abilities, and knowledge. However, the use of her blood comes at a risk. If the recipient tries to utilize the full extent of her power or pushes themselves too far, it could lead to an accelerated drain on her life force, endangering her even further.

5. Redemption Chance: If the recipient somehow manages to awaken the protagonist from her coma by demonstrating profound growth and redemption, a second "Blood Enhancement" may be possible. However, the risk to her life becomes even greater with each successive use.

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