さんじゅうご | thirty five

802 32 10

| kizuna | bond


THE PULSATING BASS OF THE MUSIC THROBBED THROUGH THE CLUB, reverberating in every corner, as the colorful lights danced to the rhythm of the night. The air was thick with the mingling scents of alcohol, sweat, and desire. People swayed and gyrated on the crowded dance floor, their bodies moving to the beat, lost in the euphoria of the moment. Some couples were locked in passionate embraces, their lips and hands exploring each other in the dimly lit corners.

Satoru leaned back against the bar, a half-empty glass of whiskey in his hand. His gaze wandered over the lively scene before him, absorbing the chaotic beauty of the club. It was a world far removed from his worries, a place where the outside world ceased to exist.

Satoru's gaze wandered, taking it all in—the vibrant colors of the dance floor lights, the shimmering sequins on extravagant outfits, and the smiles, laughter, and shouts of revelry that punctuated the air. It was a world that thrived on escapism, where people shed their inhibitions and let the music guide their souls.

Beside him, Suguru sat comfortably, a knowing smile on his lips. He knew he wouldn't be the one reaching for his wallet tonight, and that knowledge added an extra layer of enjoyment to his drink. He lifted his glass in a mock salute to Satoru, the unspoken agreement between them clear.

Satoru chuckled, raising his glass to clink with Suguru's. "You're really milking that bet, aren't you?"

Suguru's grin widened, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "You know me, Satoru. I never pass up a chance for free drinks."

The music swelled, the DJ skillfully transitioning from one track to another, sending waves of energy through the club. Satoru's fingers tapped rhythmically on the rim of his glass, his body swaying subtly to the beat. It was a freedom he desperately needed, a temporary release from the weight of his responsibilities.

Amidst the vibrant chaos of the club, Suguru's voice cut through the music and chatter. "Look up ahead," he said, his tone conspiratorial, as he pointed towards a spot not far from their perch at the bar.

Satoru followed his friend's gaze, his curiosity piqued. His eyes locked onto a woman who seemed to shimmer like a star in the dimly lit room. She had a presence that demanded attention, and Satoru couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty.

Her long, ebony hair cascaded in loose waves down her back, contrasting with the azure cocktail dress that clung to her like a second skin. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep emerald green, held a hint of mystery as they scanned the crowd. She exuded an air of confidence that was both alluring and intimidating.

Suguru leaned closer, his voice barely audible over the thumping bass. "That, my friend," he said with a sly grin, "is the girl who's been eyeing you."

Satoru couldn't resist a smirk as he turned his attention back to the stunning stranger. He caught her gaze as her eyes met his, and without hesitation, he winked at her. The effect was instantaneous; her lips parted in surprise, and she bit down on her lower lip, a gesture that sent a thrilling shiver down Satoru's spine.

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