さんじゅうはち | thirty eight

549 23 2

| kizuna | bond



SUGURU'S WORDS REACHED MY EARS, a well-intentioned offer for me to rest, but I couldn't bring myself to heed his advice. Instead, I remained kneeling on the floor, my gaze unwavering, etched with determination. The weight of the conversation with my father still pressed on my shoulders, and I couldn't allow myself respite just yet.

I knelt there, stubbornly ignoring Suguru's plea, my gaze fixated on the ground as if it held the answers to our predicament. I felt the world closing in, the walls of this desolate room bearing down on me.

Suguru's voice, tinged with concern, broke through the suffocating silence. "Satoru," he implored, "we need to consider another option. You must rest; you're depleting yourself at this point."

His words swirled around me, but I remained immovable, my determination a fortress against any rationality. I clenched my fists, feeling the anguish of our situation, the desperation that clung to our every breath.

But Suguru persisted, his voice softer yet filled with unwavering care. "You can't save anyone if you push yourself beyond your limits. We have to find a way, but not at the cost of your well-being."

A fierce determination in my eyes, and spoke with a harsh, unyielding tone. "I need to prove to my father that I won't back down, no matter the cost. Even if it means risking my very life, I will beg and beg, and I will never back down."

The weight of my words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the unwavering resolve burning within me. I could feel the intensity of my emotions coursing through my veins, each word a vow etched in the depths of my soul.

The room seemed to crackle with the intensity of our conversation, our words echoing in the confined space. My friend's support was evident, but I could sense his worry, a silent plea for caution. Yet, I remained resolute, determined to prove myself, even if it meant pushing my limits to the very edge.

My best friend's eyes bore into mine, a mixture of frustration and concern. "Satoru," he pleaded, "I understand your determination, but there's a difference between proving yourself and recklessness. Your father wouldn't want you to throw your life away."

I refused to let his words sway me. My voice grew harsher, each word dripping with defiance. "You don't understand, I can't live with the regret of not giving everything for this. I must show my father that I'm not weak, that I won't back down, even if it means pushing myself beyond the brink. I'm willing to endure whatever it takes. If that means begging, risking everything, or sacrificing, I'll do it. My father's perception of me needs to change, and I won't allow anything or anyone to stand in my way."

The room fell into an unsettling silence as the bitter bickering ceased. Fatigue coursed through my body, like an anchor weighing me down, threatening to shatter my unwavering resolve. Yet, I refused to yield. I had to save her, no matter the cost, even if I could do nothing alone.

My heart ached with the knowledge that my father's legacy bound me, the weight of our clan's traditions and expectations, all centered around protecting our people. But if I had to choose between the clan and her, the choice was simple...

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