にじゅうに | twenty two

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| kizuna | bond


two days ago before the encounter with suguru


IN THE DEPTH OF MY DREAMS, I find myself trapped in that haunting nightmare once again. The air is heavy with a sense of impending doom, and I can feel the darkness enveloping me like a suffocating shroud. I stand amidst a desolate, nightmarish landscape, and in the distance, a figure emerges from the shadows.

The man, a stranger yet so familiar, steps into the dim light. His presence sends shivers down my spine, and I can't tear my eyes away from him. His face is obscured, hidden behind a mask of darkness, and all I can see are his piercing, blood-red eyes. He speaks, his voice a sinister melody that echoes through my mind.

"Yura," he calls me, his voice dripping with malice. It's a name I've come to associate with this dreadful dream, a name that feels like it belongs to a different version of myself. I know I'm not Yura, but in this dream, I can't escape that identity.

The nightmare unfolds before me, as it always does. The man's malevolent gaze is fixed upon me, and with a wave of his hand, the scene changes. I watch in helpless horror as he unleashes unspeakable atrocities upon innocent people, their cries of agony filling the air. I want to look away, to run, to scream, but I'm paralyzed by the nightmarish tableau playing out before me.

The sense of dread intensifies with each passing moment, and I'm left with an overwhelming feeling of powerlessness. The dream persists, an unending loop of torment and despair, and I can only hope that one day, I'll find a way to break free from its grip.

Slowly, I begin to emerge from the nightmarish clutches of my dreams, my body trembling, yet my eyes betraying no emotion. Tears continue to cascade down my cheeks like an endless stream, a release of emotions I can no longer grasp. This has been the rhythm of my life for so long that I've grown accustomed to it.

As I regain consciousness, my eyes meet with a vast expanse of green. Blinking away the remnants of my nightmares, I realize that I must have fallen asleep during my training. I'm seated in the shade of a towering tree, my back resting against its ancient trunk.

The world around me is painted in serene hues of green and gold. The gentle rustling of leaves above and the distant chirping of birds provide a soothing backdrop to the chaos that still lingers within me. I take a shuddering breath, attempting to ground myself in the reality of the moment.

I reach out and softly call, "Nari." The air stirs with a slithering sound, and I watch as my faithful companion descends from a tree branch above. Nari, my guardian serpent, has been with me for four long years, a constant presence through all my ups and downs.

As it crawls down, its form begins to shift, transforming from a tangible serpent into an intricate ink-like tattoo on my skin. The sensation is both strange and comforting, like a familiar embrace. Nari continues to hiss softly, a language only we understand.

Nari has been my silent confidant, my unwavering protector in a world filled with danger and uncertainty. It's witnessed my moments of despair, my battles, and my relentless pursuit of strength. Together, we've faced countless curses and adversaries, and it's always stood by my side.

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