しち | seven

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| kizuna | bond



NAVIGATING THROUGH THE SPACIOUS EXPANSE OF THE TRADITIONAL JAPANESE KITCHEN FELT LIKE A STEP BACK IN TIME. The air was thick with the intoxicating aromas of freshly cooked delicacies, and the room was a symphony of bustling activity. Intricately designed wooden cabinets held an array of spices and ingredients, and the polished surfaces of large granite countertops gleamed under the soft glow of hanging lanterns. It was a place where the art of culinary craftsmanship came alive, a sanctuary for flavors waiting to be unveiled.

"Why are we sneaking into the kitchen, Satoru?" I deadpanned, my voice a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

Satoru flashed a grin, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Why not? It's an adventure waiting to happen."

My eyes rolled at his audacious response. "An adventure? In the kitchen?"

His grin widened. "Exactly. And besides, I heard there might be some delectable treats – mochi, perhaps – that could use a little... liberation."

"Mochi?" I arched an eyebrow, my skepticism growing.

Satoru nodded with enthusiasm. "Oh yes, mochis. Where's the fun in following the rules all the time?"

I suppressed a laugh, my lips quirking into a reluctant smile. "And what about the servants? Aren't they looking for me?"

Satoru waved his hand dismissively, his tone dripping with sassy nonchalance. "Oh, they'll be fine. In fact, I may or may not have convinced them that we're embarking on a daring mission to kidnap you for a day."

I blinked, caught off guard by his audacious claim. "Kidnap me?"

Satoru chuckled, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, not actually kidnap. More like... a temporary escape from the burdens of nobility."

Despite my efforts to remain stoic, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Leave it to Satoru to come up with an elaborate diversion to ease my worries. As we continued our stealthy journey through the kitchen, Satoru seemed to fully embrace the role of a secret agent on a clandestine mission. He moved with exaggerated stealth, his every movement theatrical and dramatic. I followed behind, choosing to walk in a much more dignified manner.

As we reached a section of the kitchen filled with an array of baked goods, Satoru's eyes lit up. He deftly snatched a handful of mochis, his fingers moving with a practiced ease. However, his attempt at a covert operation was swiftly interrupted as he accidentally knocked over a baking pan, creating a resounding clatter that reverberated through the room.

"Satoru, you imbecile," I hissed under my breath, rolling my eyes at his antics.

Satoru, ever the opportunist, seized the moment with his trademark cheekiness. "Thanks for the mochis!" he called out to the unsuspecting baker, his voice oozing with sassy gratitude. With a triumphant grin, he turned to me and urged me to run.

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