じゅうきゅう | nineteen

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| kizuna | bond


FOR A FLEETING MOMENT, the world seemed to fade away, and all Yuri could focus on was Satoru's plea. It was as though he was offering her a lifeline, a chance to escape the darkness that had plagued her for so long. Her heart wavered, and for a second, she entertained the notion of abandoning it all, of running away with him into the unknown.

But then, as quickly as the temptation had gripped her, a rush of clarity washed over Yuri. She remembered why she had come here in the first place—to sever ties with her past, to leave behind the burdens and the bloodshed. She had already cut ties with her family, and now she had to do the same with Satoru, painful as it might be.

Yuri's gaze hardened, her resolve firming as she tore her eyes away from Satoru's. She knew what she had to do. With a heavy heart, she shook her head, her voice steady but laced with sorrow as she replied, "I can't, Satoru. I can't come with you."

Yuri's heart ached as she finally pulled away from Satoru's form. Their connection, once so strong, was now fraying like a fragile thread. She rose to her feet in one swift, determined motion, turning her entire body away from him. The rain that had been a constant presence throughout their ordeal seemed to intensify, mirroring the tempest of emotions swirling within her heart.

Each raindrop felt like a heavy weight upon her shoulders, and the downpour served as a poignant backdrop to the storm of turmoil inside her. She couldn't look back. She couldn't let herself be swayed by the yearning in Satoru's eyes, the unspoken plea for her to stay.

Satoru, despite the pain coursing through his battered body, mirrored her actions. He, too, rose to his feet, his determination unwavering. He couldn't let Yuri bear this burden alone, even if it meant enduring more pain.

Satoru's expression wavered, a mix of confusion and hurt flickering across his features. "Yuri, why?" he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.

She closed her eyes briefly, battling the tears that threatened to fall. "Because," she whispered, "I can't let my past follow me. I can't let it taint your life, too. I have to leave it all behind, even if it means leaving you."

The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, the pain of their separation a palpable presence between them. Yuri knew that this was the only way to protect the one person she had come to care for deeply. But it didn't make it any easier to turn her back on the boy she deeply cared.

Satoru's voice cut through the downpour, a beacon of hope amidst the tempest of her emotions. He asked, with a hint of vulnerability in his voice, "Is that what you want, Yuri?"

She hesitated for a moment, her heart warring with her mind. Could she truly leave all of this behind? Could she bear to walk away from the one person who had shown her kindness and affection in a world so steeped in cruelty? With a trembling voice, she finally replied, "Yes, Satoru. It's what I have to do."

But before Yuri could fully process her own words, she felt strong arms encircle her waist, pulling her into a tight and unexpected embrace. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at Satoru, her eyes wide with surprise.

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