にじゅうきゅう | twenty nine part 2

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| kizuna | bond

part 2

THE CLASHING OF SWORDS ECHOING THROUGH THE DIMLY LIT SPACE. Yuri and Toji stood locked in a fierce duel, their weapons meeting in a flurry of sparks and steel.

Toji's words cut through the intensity of the battle, his voice laced with a mix of admiration and surprise. "So, you've already mastered the Hemocraft: Crimson Dominion," he remarked, his eyes locked onto Yuri's with genuine respect. "Not only that, you have complete control over your Shikigamis and are even blocking your cursed energy. I might say, you're really impressing me tonight, my lady."

Yuri's response was a smirk, her feral mode still coursing through her veins. "I've had the best teacher," she retorted, her voice dripping with confidence and a hint of mischief. "And it's not over yet, Toji."

Their swords clashed once again, the resonance of metal against fluid like ink-metal filling the tense air. Toji couldn't help but push the envelope, his mocking tone is evident as he needled Yuri. "Not over yet?" he quipped. "I think you might be on the verge of passing out, my lady."

As their duel continued, Toji couldn't help but notice the strain on Yuri. It was true that she possessed an abundance of cursed energy, but her control over it was still a work in progress. He understood the recklessness of her previous actions, particularly her devastating technique against Inchiro. It had demanded a considerable toll on her reserves, even with the absorption of Inchiro's energy. It was a heavy burden she had shouldered, and Toji couldn't blame her for the toll it had taken.

Toji's expertise in swordsmanship shone through as he found a precise opening in Yuri's defense. Without hesitation, he executed a masterful strike that left a deep gash on Yuri's cheek. She hissed in pain and instinctively moved back, putting a safe distance between them, though her katana remained at the ready. The warm trickle of blood on her wounded cheek served as a stark reminder of Toji's precision.

Panting heavily, Yuri couldn't deny the exhaustion that was settling in. Her previous technique had demanded a substantial amount of her cursed energy, and it was the first time she had ever attempted it. Toji had played his hand well, and she knew she was on the brink.

Toji's voice cut through the tense air as he spoke, his words carrying the wisdom of a seasoned sorcerer. "Remember the things I told you back then?" he asked, his eyes scanning their surroundings as he moved swiftly. He possessed exceptional physical prowess, born with Heavenly Restrictions and wielding it with finesse. "Shall we recall, my lady? Think of it as a new lesson."

While Toji continued to speak, he darted around the area with his remarkable speed, and Yuri strained to keep her eyes on him, her alertness extending to their surroundings. "Having cursed energy is one thing, my lady," Toji began, his words punctuating the intensity of their duel. "It's a formidable power that courses through your veins, and there's no doubt you possess an abundance of it. But you mustn't let it control you. You've been too reckless, letting it flow without restraint."

Yuri listened intently, her panting slowly subsiding as she absorbed his guidance. Toji is now speaking to her as her mentor for a moment.

Toji continued, his gaze never leaving Yuri's. "Cursed energy is like a tempest within you, a force of nature that can be harnessed, but only if you learn to control it. It's not about how much you have, but how you use it. Precision, my lady, that's the key. Like a surgeon's scalpel, it should be wielded with finesse, not like a wild storm that rages uncontrollably."

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