じゅうなな | seventeen

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| kizuna | bond


THE SHRINE'S ENTRANCE WAS SHROUDED IN AN EERIE DARKNESS, the blood-red moon casting an ominous glow upon the chaotic scene unfolding in the distance. Toji leaned against a pillar, his posture casual despite the turmoil that echoed through the night. The scent of newly awakened blood reached his senses, a tempting allure that would have drawn the attention of cursed spirits. But Toji remained unfazed, his mocking smirk revealing his disdain for the situation.

"Bunch of idiots," he muttered under his breath, a cigarette dangling from his fingertips. He inhaled the nicotine, exhaling a cloud of smoke that mingled with the rain-soaked air. He shook his head, a mix of amusement and mockery dancing in his eyes. "Guess she didn't consider my offer. Her loss."

With a casual flick of his hand, Toji disposed of the cigarette and began to turn away, fully intent on leaving the scene behind. The chaos of the ceremonial ritual was none of his concern, and he had no intention of getting caught up in the affairs of the clans or the Jujutsu Society.

However, just as he was about to depart, a voice cut through the air, freezing him in his tracks. Surprise flashed across his features as he turned to face the unexpected intruder. "Leaving without me?" the voice intoned, cold and devoid of emotion.

Toji's lips curled into a smirk as he observed Yuri's disheveled appearance. "You look like shit," he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Despite her appearance, Yuri's resolve was palpable, her determination unwavering.

As if challenging him, Yuri summoned the great serpent once more, a sudden and formidable display of power that took Toji off guard. He took a step back, a flicker of surprise crossing his eyes before being replaced by his trademark smirk. "Still on your guard around me?" he taunted, his voice laced with dark amusement.

"Betray me, or I won't hesitate to kill you," Yuri's response was cold and direct, her words a warning that held an underlying promise of lethal consequences.

Toji chuckled darkly, the sound a blend of amusement and acknowledgment. "I have no intention of challenging the might of the great serpent of Hiyoku. Playing with my life isn't exactly on my to-do list."

Yuri commanded the serpent to ease, the tension in the air subsiding as the creature responded to her will. She pressed further, her gaze unwavering as she questioned Toji about the purpose of his offer.

Toji's smirk grew, an enigmatic glint in his eyes. "You'll find out soon enough," he replied cryptically, his words laden with a sense of impending intrigue.

Just as they were about to depart, Yuri's cold voice stopped Toji in his tracks. He turned to face her once more, his brows raised in silent inquiry. His gaze flickered to the object in her hand – a deep blue pandora box, its color reminiscent of the vast ocean.

Toji let out an exasperated sigh, his patience running thin. "Make it quick," he grumbled, a trace of annoyance tainting his voice. The anticipation in the air was palpable, the weight of the moment heavy with unspoken emotions.

Toji's cigarette glowed faintly in the dim light as he took a leisurely drag, the smoke curling around him like a shroud of nonchalance. His gaze remained fixed on the distance, where Yuri had disappeared with a purposeful stride. He knew exactly where she was headed – to the enigmatic Gojo Satoru, the holder of Six Eyes.

As he exhaled a cloud of smoke, a hint of tension threaded through Toji's expression. He had heard tales of Satoru's prowess, the power that radiated from him like an aura. People spoke of his ability to sense cursed energy, to perceive even the faintest presence. Toji had brushed off such stories as exaggerations, a result of hero-worship and rumors.

Yet, when their paths had crossed, Toji had felt the weight of Satoru's gaze, the unnerving sensation of being truly seen. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, an unsettling reminder that even in the world of jujutsu sorcerers, there were those who defied convention.

Toji's lips curved into a darkly amused smirk, his thoughts a mixture of bemusement and intrigue. "How amusing," he muttered to himself, his words laced with a hint of irony. The world of jujutsu was filled with powerful sorcerers, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. Toji, a man born without cursed energy, had always operated on the fringes, a lone wolf untouched by the constraints of the jujutsu world.

And yet, Satoru had managed to pierce through that facade, to sense Toji's presence even when others couldn't. It was a revelation that had left Toji both intrigued and wary. He took another drag of his cigarette, the embers glowing brighter for a fleeting moment.

- - -

Was a bit short, and it might took me a bit longer to update because college will start soon. But I'll try my best to update as much as possible. Thank you so much for all of your support!

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